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Hood pop rivets


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Can someone advise the size of these? I'm having difficulty getting one of the poppers onto the body with the size of the gun and the length of the rivet. I remember some years ago having longer rivets which seemed to do the job just nicely.


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I had the same problem, it's not the size of the rivets, it's the nozzle of the gun. I bought one last week from Machine Mart, it has small thin nozzle that fits completely inside the the stud, allowing you to get your whole body weight behind it. There was no "bounceback", the rivet attaches firmly, took about 5 mins to do all of them.

Forget which make it is, cost around £18 and is yellow!


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I got around this when I did mine by plassing small washers over the pin of the rivets so they went into the studs and the nozzle of the gun stays outside. if that makes sence. thus making the nozzle of the gun longer and thinner.

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Because the rivet flange lies below the top of the stud, I drilled out and old rivet and used the old rivet flange (flat on one side and domed on the other) as a spacer with done to the topmich the same awe the small washers are used above. Worked a treat

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Something like 3 or 4mm??

When I got my rivets I popped down the shops with the hood poppery bit, and tried the various sizes in the shop until I found one that was long enough and yet had a small enough head to fit in the popper (which was the big issue for me).

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