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Dave N

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Hi All

I have been working on the Herald today stripping etc. (The car, not me..... what a thought!   ;))

The front edge of the roof has a fair bit of rust and I am unsure on the best way to repair. The actual roof appears solid it is the folded over bit that is attached to the side gutters that is the problem.

Also, I am fairly new to forum posting. Is there a guide on here on how to add more pictures? The attach file option is rather restrictive.

Cheers in advance.


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The best way to initially go about this would to get yourself a grinder and put a wire cup attachment onto it. If you can grind away all the visible surface rust you see and get it back to bare metal it gives you a better chance of seeing what you have to deal with.

To post more pictures you can always use photobucket or imgur and upload your images over on to those sites. Then from there get the "IMG" url tag and copy and paste that onto the forum for each picture you wish to add.

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