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Jaguar fuel tank changeover switch BULB


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Well, that was a dismal failure, so the incandescents will remain, complete with their warm, welcoming 'porch light' glow.

Which, I like, btw, but the problem is that they do get too hot to handle and cause slow but unavoidable deterioration of the thin transparent plastic that is riveted to the chromed cover, which is why I wanted to replace them in the first place.

Oh well, next...


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Next, I tried the LED replacement in the illuminated Hazard Warning Light Switch, but it didn't function, because silly me completely forgot about the limitations of LEDs in the flashing circuit...it's a voltage drop issue.

But that's not important, as the Hazard Light Switch is just fine anyway.

On a side note, I realise that the HLS is not original in a Vitesse, but I want it for safety reasons in today's motoring climate!

Beside's it came from my late Father's long since written-off 1974 Triumph 2000 Mk.2.


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OK, this one is a little more complcated, as it is a non-original gauge, but I include it anyway for the sake of information.

As part of my ongoing efforts to tame the triple Webers, I have fitted an American Stewart Warner Electric Fuel Pressure gauge.

It is almost exactly the same size as the Smith's style gauges, has a silver coloured surround, and is mounted below the dash on a Chromed steel bracket,
so it doesn't look out of place.

However, it is illuminated by one of those 194 incandescent bulbs, which are very effective and rather bright compared to the original mes10s.

Here is a night time shot of the interior, with original bulbs in place.



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And now some close ups:

First with the original incandescent 194:

It is a 'white' bulb btw, wearing what can only be described as a small red rubber cap to give it a red glow, and make it less bright than without the cap!

Notice also that you cannot see the dayglo orange needle at night.


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I considered the above to be far too bright, but you can certainly see it!

So then I managed, with some difficulty, to get the red rubber cap to fit over that wierd shaped LED.

At least the LED doesn't get hot and so shouldn't deteriorate the thin rubber of the cap like the hot 194 bulb would have over time.


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I like that a bit better than the original 194, it is a slightly lighter red, and you can see the needle better, and hey rotoflex, it's a non-original gauge, so it doesn't detract from originality  ;D

Here is the final shot in this series, showing the overall view.

The relative dimness of the original instrument illumination is apparent, but hopefully, when the 987/mes10 replacement LEDs arrive from the UK, that may improve, or not?  :-/


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Lost my flow now...

Oh yeah, next I changed that tiny bulb inside the Jaguar Fuel Tank Changeover Switch, hey that's the blighter that started this thread off in the first place!

However, I do not have a photo...

Because, the original was giving out so little light that the green and red 'arrows', actually triangles, on the Switch were barely visible at night.

The white LED DID improve matters some, probably because it directs it's light forwards.

It is certainly clearer now, but not a huge improvment, worthwhile though.

My camera is not as good as my eyes at night, and MY eyes are not that great at my age!


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GT6 Jim,

No, the Luxeon is NOT the same as a cluster LED.

The clusters do not look like the originals behind the lens, the Luxeons are a Phillips patent and are MUCH brighter.

IMHO, they are well worth the price difference, but I do not know who else sells them?

I have also converted all my Maglites to Luxeon and the difference is fantastic.

I left one switched on in my car for 4 days, (the cover was over it), and when I found it, it was still giving light!


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Now the final test subject.

The Interior Courtesy lamp.

On my Vitesse, I have used the rare intermediate/early Herald type with the festoon bulb and the nice chromed on-off lever-switch, rather the the first, 1959? type that used a 987/mes 10 bulb and the nice chromed on-off lever-switch, or the third, and last type that used a bent piece of chromed metal instead of the nice chromed lever-switch.  

First, the original brand new incandescent festoon.

Close up, and further away.

Not really useful for map reading!


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And finally, the best of the bunch, which FWIW, looks far better to the human eye than these photos are able to represent, this is with the high-power 3-LED festoon, as described further up this thread - see photos!

Finally, if anyone has any questions, I will be more than happy to answer them.


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The '987/mes10' LED replacements finally arrived today, posted from Manchester on 17th September - the same day I ordered them -

They were posted via Royal Mail, 'Prority Handling & Registered Delivery',

I was charged the flat rate of 9.00 GBP, although the amount of postage on the envelope is 4.66 GBP.

12 days huh, that's exactly twice as long as standard air mail.

Anyhow, tonight or at least, soon, I should be able to photograph them and do a trail fit with some before and after photographs.

Somehow they managed to squeeze no less than 6 LEDS into each bulb!


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OK, this was supposed to be the final instalment, but Lord Lucas has had a few things to say...

I started installing the 987's, and they are about 20% brighter, but it is hard to tell in the photographs, even on the cameras' 'candlelight' setting...

I will, however, include them for continuity's sake.

First a picture of the bulb, it is btw, fairly fragile, and I broke two, but thankfully I had ordered a few spare, just in case.



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