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My friends and family are interested in following my progress on the route and I've found a free piece of software that runs on an iPad or iPhone that will allow them to GPS track my car live. This will keep them updated but will also help to locate us should things not go to plan.

I was wondering if anyone else is using any form of GPS tracking or data logging or would be interested in doing so?

The software I've found is called ViewRanger and comes with pretty good downloadable maps and best of all, as I mentioned, it's free.

You can turn your tracking on or off so you can be as public or as private as you want to be.

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There are quite a few "apps" available for this sort of thing. The easiest is Google's Latitude and you'll find a few CT types already using it - it's free, which of course attracts the CT types! The only down side with all these things that run on mobile phones is the data costs, just be aware that nothing's really "free".

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I had another go with Latitude and can confirm that the data usage does appear to be much higher than ViewRanger but it's the choice of maps that really makes ViewRanger so much better.

The biggest benefit of Latitude is that it works cross platform but there can't be that many who own a smart phone but don't have a device that can run ViewRanger.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm setting this up right now for Team 26. A couple of iPhone apps that may be of interest.
GPSed (free right now) allows you to setup either private or public on-line tracking - it also has a pretty good interface on the phone itself, including track management, waypoint/picture uploads and all that - it looks easy to use.

Instamapper GPS Tracker is much more basic but the instamapper site has various ways of getting at the data its what Im using but that because I was able to grab the data and process it myself for tracking like this (under development/test still) track.highrez.co.uk.

One thing to note, that these apps all only work when "active" on the iPhone unless its jailbroken in which case you can use backgrounder to run anything any time without it getting interrupted :)

I've also done this along with a the twitter feed for updates and pictures for the last 2 RBRR's using older tech (pre-iphone) and its been really good to involve the people back home - they have appreciated it.


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