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Eligibility for Autosolos


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Hi all,

As some may remember, some time ago now my Dad bought a Ginetta G4, which unfortunately met it's end after a rose joint failed. Anyway, I'm well under way with doing a front end rebuild and re-engineering works.

My main question is, as a member of Club Triumph, can I compete in an Autosolo, in the Ginetta, in Class E for non Triumph cars? Also, can my Dad also compete if he is not a member of Club Triumph?

We're not looking at making it rediculously fast, it's only got a 1300cc Crossflow in it, with a powerband at over 5000 rpm, so unlikely to be competitive without massive amounts of wheel spin!

Thanks for any help and advice.

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Its a difficult one this one.

As a member of another Club we would be happy to receive an entry from you using the Ginetta for the event. The Club used to run Autotests in the 60s, 70s and 80s and we encountered a problem in that members started to use different cars for the events, ending with the situation that we ran events that had no Triumph cars entered! Part of the CT 'manifesto' (horrid term, sorry), is that we promote the use of Triumph motor cars, therefore we would not encourage CT members to use non-Triumph cars in our events.

This year we have 5no entrants from other Clubs using non Triumph cars.

Unfortunately, Entry for this years event has closed. next year why not enter using the Vitesse, you would be surprised at how competitive you would be!

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Jonny, Tim is right, do it in the vitesse, right car for the Clube event.
But also have a look about, there are bound to be some other autosolo's closer to home throughout the year, they are great events, and you can use virtually any car you like.
Downside is you may need to join another car club to get access, I suspect that is to do with MSA regs. The club you join would need invited status to the event, again there is usually a blanket invite to all clubs within quite a large area, ie Southeast, Midlands or whatever.

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Jonny_Jimbo1181843911 wrote:
My main question is, as a member of Club Triumph, can I compete in an Autosolo, in the Ginetta, in Class E for non Triumph cars? Also, can my Dad also compete if he is not a member of Club Triumph?

Well I would have thought you could take part in the Ginetta at events thats Club Triumph is invited to, such as CSMA Autosolo at Bovingdon and the Warwick Autosolos at Silverstone.

If you live at the same address as your father he can become an associate member (£2) which entitles him to take part in Club Triumph invited events.  

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Thanks all, that does clear it up a bit.

In answer to why I'm not doing this years event in the Vitesse? 1) I've only just started to get her right again, but the gearbox is quite weak, so a new one to go in over winter hopefully. 2) It's a friends Stag do on the same weekend as this years event.

Other than that I have no real reason I guess.

Oh, I'm a scardy cat, as I'm very aware that the weakest part of driving that car is me... As a 'motorsport engineer' I really aught to know how to drive fast!

Hopefully I'll get some competitive miles under the wheels of one or both cars next year.

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