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Carburettor Rebuild kit suggestions?


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Hi all,

With winter looming the spitfire will be in hibernation but thought I would treat it to a carburettor rebuild, something I can do in the warmth of my own home on the kitchen table, if the missus allows haha.

Does anyone have any suggestions as where is best to get a set of good quality and at a good price. Non waxstat.

Cheers for any suggestions.


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Quite possibly but...

1) I would trust Burlen to identify the right part for my carbs, even if they're not the standard ones. I would expect Rimmers to sell me the wrong thing more than half the time.

2) Burlen's prices are generally fair. Rimmers are often higher than others.

3) Even if Rimmers do sell the Burlen kits, they probably also have some stock of Chinese rubbish and will send that to unsuspecting customers at random.

Purely based on my own experience before I opted never to use Rimmers unless desperate. YMMV.

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Another vote for Burlen. This is their core business and they are very good at it.

There is a guy called Andy Headley (?) who re-bushes the carb spindle bearings in the carb body using rubber (or neoprene or similar) shielded ball races.  These are brilliant as they have no slop, are free turning, and are airtight as well. He did mine years ago and they are still perfect. Maybe someone knows if he is still about?  Mike C?

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From what I've seen and been suggested Burlen are the ones. Never heard of them previously!

Another minor issue, my spit is a mk4, fitted with a 1500 engine (engine number begins FM) done by a previous owner. The carburettors are HS4's but they don't have a metal tag on them to specifically identify a model number/year. Any other clues as to how I can identify them further? as the Burlen websites has specific codes for years etc.



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