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Yet more problems...


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:(I am beginning to think that we are not meant to do the 10CR this year…… :(

Today Libby has fallen down the stairs, badly twisted her right knee and is on pain killers and has been told not to drive for at least 5 days! Bit of a bugger when you are about to go off driving for 2000 miles around Europe.
At the moment we are still planning to start tomorrow , with me driving, but will try to do a shortened 'tour of France' hopefully getting to Beziers and Rolduc but making up our own route and cutting out the night driving (and the fun hilly bits) :(.

There is still time for something else to go break, thinking about it neither of us has had Swine flu yet .....

Mike, and a hobbling Libby.

Ellis: have sent you an email.

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Let Libby do the long stretches and you do the fun bits, Get some Ibrofufen gel and I can let you have some anti inflamatories (Diclofenac), or I have some Codine left over as well, if you want.

I did the first 10CR without a co-driver...I did enlist one or two for some bits though.

I'm with Colin, see how it goes tomorrow/Fri. I have two crook knees and co-driver has put his back out but miss this...no way!

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