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clutch problem on going


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HELP PLEASE . Ive ajusted my clutch now to the book , no joy although a gap does appear when clutch is pressed . ive also had a go at front end up starting in gear clutch down and breaking hard and still its a no go . Now  having a go at taking the clutch out and this is where im stuck . Got as far as taking out the input shaft  . undone the six nuts on the pressure plate and this is where my problem is . Cant lift it out as the the bit where the clutch bearing is on is in the way . do i need to take that out as well . Cant find anything in the manual that says i should .

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Have a look at these pictures - it might help you.

It would appear that in normal circumstances the Release bearing should remain on the input shaft, leaving the flywheel and clutch assembly clear.

Your description does not exactly say what state you are in - have you removed the gearbox from the car?

Anyway, I hope the pictures are of some use.

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Have you undone the two release bearing adjuster bolts on the left hand side of the gearbox to allow the bearing to be moved right back ?

You may fine that the clutch cover will not just lift straight up, it may need a little wigging to extract it, the amount of room depends on the make/design of the cover, some are taller than others.

Also if the driven plate is still stuck to the flywheel this may preclude the cover coming free.  

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Yep the release bearing plate is loose and pushed back fully . Flywheel and the pressure plate , are they the same thing !! And should that be free from the engine to lift out with only the six bolts taken out  .( Off the cover plate )if so then that is where my problem is .

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The flywheel and pressure plate are not the same thing.  If I understand correctly you are trying to separate the two at this point.  Note that after taking out the 6 x 5/16" UNC bolts holding the pressure plate to the flywheel there are still (or should be) 3 dowels.  The pressure plate will therefore need carefully need levering away (work around the circumference to ensure it comes away evenly) until it's off the dowels.


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Cheers Nick . Won't be on it again now till Thursday .
If the driven plate is stuck to the engine side Then would Would that be the reason for the clutch not working .
Pressure plate is free but the driven plate is still in ( engine side )

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If the driven plate (friction plate) is rusted to either (or both) of the pressure plate or flywheel then the clutch won't disengage.  They don't usually put up much fight once things are dismantled though.  A surprising small amount of rust can cause all this work.....


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Yep it was stuck to the flywheel . Managed to get it all out once freed . All back together now and working but squealing like a pig !!  . Hoping it's just a case off adjusting it .
My next post will be a members post .
Thanks to all for the help .

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