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Clutch cylinder seal kits...... any good?


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Right guys i have been slowly moving along with the spit, and today whilst checking the lights i wanted to put the car into reverse to check these.

The clutch pedal gave way , presumably with it being standing a hell of a long time and from then on has remained a bit flaccid.

Checking the master cylinder there is virtually no fluid in here, and i was thinking about renewing both master and slave cylinders as i have no way of knowing whats on the car/for how long its been there.

As i cleaned out the garage upon getting the Spit, its not been standing in the same place and so i can't really tell if its leaked from the slave or not as there's no tell tale on the floor, its bone dry.

Whilst searching Rimmer Bros i came across repair kits which i thought looked quite handy, and at about £12 for the pair of them thought they may be worth a shot.

Has anyone used such kits with good effect or are there usually other cylinder related problems and i'm best renewing both completely?

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Used a pair of Rimmers kits recently with no problem. Just need to make sure that the bores are OK in the cylinders. While I was at it, I also changed the pipe between the two cylinders. Seemed silly not to. Also cut a hole in the gearbox tunnel so that I can access slave without removing anything more than the cover plate.

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