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seized clutch help?


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Only way is to remove the gearbox, pressure plate, and lever of the friction plate from the flywheel. If it is the clutch plate thats stuck in my experience there is no other way. I've stupidly dragged cars around the block before to no avail.  if you try and force it something is likely to break



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I had the same on my stag and I managed to free it off by letting the engine warm up for 20 mins then turning of putting in 1st restarting then when it lurches forward dip the clutch and brake at the same time. This didn't actually free it of but when I put it in reverse to save having to push it back into the garage it broke free and was fine for another 1500 miles then the release bearing failed.
Hope this helps,

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If you can get the engine started this will work. Jack the rear of the car off the ground, get a helper to sit in the car with the clutch pedal down start the engine, put it in firat gear and quickly drop the car to the ground. Make sure nothing is in front of the car and that some form of brakes work.
Used on ships that deliver cars to free frozen clutches.


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I just went through this most recently a couple months ago on a TR7, doing exactly as Floyd suggested. It was beginning to get frustrating, as it seemed it would never break free...until I suddenly realized that I was still moving backward with the clutch pedal depressed, but I was only coasting as the clutch had finally broken free. It's been fine ever since (more than I can say for certain other aspects of the car. In fairness, though, it's a somewhat tired and neglected car that had been somewhat "casually" stored for over 10 years before I got it).

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I fear that several of the above methods are just a tad dangerous, esp. the "jack it up then drop it"!

If you can start and drive it, just do so, with the clutch pedal depressed (check that the slave cylinder actually works!).  Drive it about, using bursts of power then coasting, until it comes free.   Totally safe, if you have somewhere to do it that is not a busy road.


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