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vitesse radiator cores


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Hi everyone,

after a few incidents with the Vitesse on the 10cr I was just wondering if anyone knows of any more efficent cores for the Vitesse than the standard one? With the KSC engine in my fathers Vitesse the rad is struggling a bit to keep it cool under prolonged load.

All ideas, as always, welcomed  ;D

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I have a 'high density' core in Vitesse EFI.  It is an improvement on the old one but that was a very sad object.....  I do still notice a rise in temperature during a prolonged thrashing but if I'm pushing hard enough it cools down again - strange!

I think the the problem may have more to do with airflow than water flow?  I think air finds it hard to get out of the under-bonnet area unless you are really shifting.  I'm think about putting vents in the wings to help this and keep things generally cooler under the bonnet but want to keep it subtle.


Edit:  In the Alps years ago we dicovered that during prolonged climbs the temperature would climb to 105ºC but no higher (accurate mechanical gauge fitted).  It didn't seem to mind BUT if you stopped without it getting a chance to cool below 100ºC it would spit about half it's water out within a minute of stopping.

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Here is my third attempt at posting this!

First I will attach the photos, which is where it kept falling down before, then I will do the text.


OK, the photos attached this time!

In 1997, when I first got my Vitesse back on the road, I used a 'triple-core' Vitesse radiator. Then in 2001, I replaced it with a Serck Marson all-aluminium alloy radiator, and an aluminium water pump housing, plus Kunifer Pipe up the RH side of the block and an aluminium alloy water pump, with 6 scoops instead of 4 vanes...all fittings were stainless steel.

The radiator is rated up to 20psi, but I use a 16 psi late-Stag cap.

It all seems pretty efficient.

I still have to remove the radiator and have a lower alloy spout fitted, so that the cap sits with the lobes transverse instead of longditudinal, although I will probably use a Jeep cap which does not have two big lobes, but instead has 4 small ones at 8, 10, 2 and 4 o'clock.



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Clifty, Twas me!  Im currently playing around with a Honda civic Rad Alloy 'racing' Rad,

just zip tied in at the moment,  till I decide if its staying!  Initial testing seems good though!

Leon, Im very interested in the '6 scoop' water pump? any ideas on where to get one? Looks a lot better than the standard one!

P.m. me if you want more info on the Rad,  I will post a 'report' on it once its done some more miles

Got to get bodywork sorted at the mo!! ( lost a rear wheel recently, see 'going for a spin' ) :-/


soz about pic size!

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Can you get a bigger surface area rad in, still not as easy as that sounds- are'nt Vitesse rads very slim?
What about some panels each side to ensure air does not spill past the rad?

Gotta say I am surprised about this, Andy Martin's ex works car is running a modded engine and that is running nice and cool. His has the 1600 rad and header tank.

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timbancroft61 wrote:

Gotta say I am surprised about this, Andy Martin's ex works car is running a modded engine and that is running nice and cool. His has the 1600 rad and header tank.

Me to Tim. We had 6002 VC (Andys car), and 6003 VC (our car) radiators re-cored on the same day. They are as you say bog standard 1600 Vitesse header type rads. Both cars run cool. Last serious time out for 6003 VC was Donnington track day where it stayed out on the track all day long without a break (Dangerous Dandridge, Brummie Dave, and yours truly giving it death). It has no fan at all, and if anything it runs to cool. I have driven both cars a lot, neither has cooling issues.

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