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Blinking indicators - or not


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Just got my MOT after spending 5 minutes cursing the horn that wouldn't work - fixed whilst the car was on the ramp  :)

I now get home to find that the indicators have packed up - sort of! The side repeaters work fine but none of the others. Dash light works, relay is a modern one and that clicks, side repeaters work but none of the 4 corners work.
It's got to be something simple as they were working fine this morning but then so was the horn!

There's a bundle of wires under the dash that seem to be prone to trouble but any ideas where the issue would be?

I've got some paying work to do now and won't be able to get back at it until tonight but if anyone has any suggestions, I'm all ears (bunny)

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Hello jason,

looking at the wiring diagram, I would look at the indicator switch itself. The repeaters and warning circuit is shown as coming off different terminals on the switch to the L - R indicators.
If the drawing is a true reflection of the switch layout then it must be the switch.


PS I have a MK 2 switch on mine so haven't seen a MK 1 switch for a very long time.

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Yup I've got a workshop manual, just trying to figure out the diagram now, weirdness!  

The repeaters don't go through the flasher relay the same way as the others? How does that work?!?

Me and electrics don't get on well.

Any more words of wisdom?

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I'm not sure that was quite the implication.

As fas as I remember from my own Mk.I days (a 2000 admittedly) the repeater and dash lights are on separate circuit from the front and rear lamps.
It's possible that it's the flasher relay playing up - if you have a spare one, try substituting it and see what happens.
If that is know to be good, then it's probably the operating switch on the column.
However, I'd also check that bundle of wiring for loose connections

Good luck! This all gives me flashbacks to last summer, re-wiring the front end of mine..... (shudders)

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I think I've found the problem, my car is possessed by demons.

All the wires are connected and if I disconnect one of the flasher wires under the dash then the flasher relay stops. The flasher relay is a modern one but if go back to old one I can get everything flashing but only for a few flashes - the side repeaters are LED and although they've worked OK for a year I thought maybe I'd see if the old festoons would solve the issue, they don't.

So in summary I can get indicators OR side repeaters but not everything!

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Hello Jason,

I don't know how you have got on but as the repeater and the warning lights are working then the flasher unit and it's out put are fine all the way to the indicator switch.
It's the only common denominator that feeds all four indicator lamps.


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Forgot to say, I replaced the flasher relay with a modern one because the old one was playing up, it's worked fine like that for a year+. The only two flasher relays I have are the dodgy old one and a modern one.
Anyway, I've just had my tea and I'm going out with renewed vigour a crucifix and some garlic. Bloody car demons, pain in the axle they are!

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Thanks for trying

I think I've got two dodgy flasher units - I can get the whole lot flashing with the old standard unit but only for a few flashes and then it all goes wrong. I might just work through each unit and check earths, just so I feel like I'm making some progress!

(by the way, I'm still struggling with your pump but have now got some new O rings and will have another bash - if I get these indicators sorted!!)

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