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Everything posted by cook1e

  1. Yep, I didn't realise I'd spokebn to Phil either!   It would help to have name badges, I used to be in a web based Mini Club which used to rganise runs out, one of the members used to make up name badges with forum names and distribute them out... I did instantly recognise Chris Sherrington whne I spoke to him and Zoe at Edinburgh, but then he has had a little bit of fame in the laost few months  ;) Plus the team GB hoodie helped identify him as well!
  2. 2520 wrote: Is this a rock festival?  If so,we'll be there with the welder! 8) Triumph weekend with lots of activities and runs out over May Day bank Holiday weekend. It's on a campsite that has been used for many years by the IOW Triumph Club and they have static caravans there for those to posh to camp! Format is usually somthing like, turn up on Friday and meet up in the campsite bar, convoy out to a local attraction on the Saturday with a Treasure Hunt. Either a live band or disco on the Staurday night. Another convoy out on the Sunday usually to a local mill  museum. large communal Barbeque Sunday afternoon. Sunday evening Quiz night in the bar, Saturday convoy out to a local pub for lunch.... Worth looking at first part of my blog page below from last year to get an idea and see some photo's, always a fun event, I've have been going back year after year since the early 90s....   http://cook1e.blogspot.co.uk/2012/05/3-triumph-weekends-on-trott.html It would be great to see you and Mrs Grayfox there...
  3. Raider wrote:When I became Comp Sec a few uears ago one of my ideas was "Formula Acclaim" - buy some cheap Acclaims and see how far we could drive them in a weekend. A prize of some sort for whoever came back with proof of how far they had got. They were cheap and plentiful enough back then. How about a banger racing competition for all surviving Acclaims, that'd get the population down, kind of ethenic cleansing in the Triumph World!
  4. You'll need the angled speedo drive as well if you haven't got that already and they are quite pricey...about 40 quid new from memory and 2nd hand ones tend to break!
  5. Here's some links to video footage I took from the 2008 RBRR, a bit late I know! Last clip includes creditss etc from the DVD I made of the footage so ignore that bit if you want to! Start to John O'Groat http://youtu.be/U4O5qELCB6s John O'Groats to Conon Bridge http://youtu.be/WpUP-GnIHHI Fort William & Glen Coe http://youtu.be/ETJwK7CKcFw Lands End & Sennen Cove http://youtu.be/WszqChiLals Devon to the Finish http://youtu.be/j2NYbtqh5wA
  6. mpbarrett wrote: any car that can survive being thrashed to within an inch of it's life solidly for 48 hours cant be too bad   ??)
  7. AlanChatterton wrote:.......... and it has been sold. Deposit paid, ebay and CT advert pulled. Should be winging its way to its new home sometime next week, and to an existing CT member too. I'll let them introduce themselves at the appropriate time. Unless they want to remain anonymous through fear of ridicule....
  8. Hi Derek, As Mark has said we can't thank you and Steph enough. Having managed to complete the event after your assistance it seemed even more of an achievement when we got to the finish. The full story of our trip is written up in a Blog, it's complete with pictures including you hard at work with the repairs to our car! http://cook1e.blogspot.co.uk/2012/10/an-eventfull-and-challenging-round.html Hope to catch up with you and Steph sometime in the future at some Triumph related event.... Best Regards, Andy
  9. malcty wrote:Blimey, the picture almost makes the car look good. Will have to pop down and get a copy. That will increase the sales quite a bit. Malc.Which car is yours? PM me your email adress and I'll send you a high resolution version of the photo...
  10. michael_charlton wrote:Just one of the press attendances.....a few minor `playing of words` though. All news is good news Thanks to The Independent http://www.enfieldindependent.co.uk/news/9972828.Classic_car_two_day_reliability_run__a_triumph_/  They've used a picture from my blog! Not that I have any problem with that, If I'd been asked I could have sent through a full resolution version. TBH I didn't think any of my pictures from the start were that impressive....
  11. Team 3 in Mark Blands 2500S witha 2L in it averaged 26mpg, the Tebay to Oswestry leg was the most economical at just over 30MPG so the car is most frugal on Motorway driving. The worst economy was on the Edinburgh to Skiach leg (when I was driving) which only averaged just obver 24MPG, the car really struggled on hills and was obviously using lots of go juice on the hilly highland bit.. Overall we used 86 Gallons ogf Petrol at a cost of £568 for 2238 miles which included  the to the Plough and back mileage. We also used a fair ammount of oil, probably about 5 litres in all..
  12. The best bit for me was the assistance we received from Derek and Stephanie local CT members  and Lands End Marshals down in in getting our car back on the road through Derek's welding, really appreciatted and made our day yesterday.
  13. I don't have a problem with Didcot as a control in teh way it's run etc, Andy and Tina do agreat job, but the drive onto the Plough from thier was a nightmare and Jams on the M40 made us nearly miss last food orders at the Plough. Not sure how we can get around this and chnage the route though, anywhere around the South East and London is a nightmare for Traffic on a Sunday evening.
  14. Yep, it was hard going for team 3 this year, but all the worthwhile to ber able to say we completed the challenge. Thanks to the likes of Tim, Jason and Nigel for all your organisation. Thanks to all the Marshalls who gave up thier time. Thanks to all the local CT members who visited control points to spur the teams on some at stupid hours of the day and night! A special Thanks to Derek and Stephanie the Marshals from Lands End who took us back to thier house and welded a repair to our chassis that enabled us to continue rather than have to quit at Lands End.
  15. Went to the local Morrisons near work at lunchtime to stock up on RBRR energy drinks and snacks. I was very disappointed to find that they hardly had any bottles of my favoured energy drink (Orange Lucozade left), only 3 bottles in the entire store so I cleared them out. Wonder if they have had a run on energy drink sales due to RBBRR team purchases over the last couple of days  ;D Good news is they had plenty of pasties and pies so the snack bit is sorted  ;)
  16. You've got Edinburgh Airport down as being at 5:21 on the list at the side of the map and you've missed out Skiach. I think 5:21 is the timing for Skiacxh and Edinburgh Airport is about 2am ish...
  17. ferny wrote:Cheers, cookie. I'm a sad git and even added a CT logo to the POI's on my Navman! Oh dear I'm sad as well then as I also have the CT logo added!
  18. Post codes are allright to a point, a couple of the controls are not buildings so have no post code (eg Carter Bar and Sugar Loaf). Some of the others are pretty rural and the post code covers sveral buildings over a wide area so will just get you close rather than right there... To work outthe co-ordinates I actually went onto Google Maps street view and located the actual control point so the co-ordinates will get you right there. Having said that there is nothing wrong with the road book, it's the tried and trusted way of navigated, Sat Nav is useful as a back up if you have trouble locating the control, is also great if you have speed camera warnings on the sat nav (although on the A68 they are so frequent it will be going off almost continuously!) nand very good at showing the road ahead in the dark so you get a very early warning of any bends...
  19. Tim, Agreed the route is advisory, and M40/M25 is simple in terms of navigation, just wanted to solicit thoughts on using the old alternative. It may well be a question of checking out the radio and sat nav traffic alerts on the Sunday to make a final decision. If the M25 is running clear then that would be the quicker route, it's just that I know how horrible it can be on that North West M25 stretch on a late Sunday afternoon and once you are stuck in a queue it's too late to get around it...
  20. mikew wrote: Just right for drinking Lambrini  ;D Yes I can see it now, Mc Jim set up in the layby at Carter Bar, with a patio table complete with flowery parasol and a  tall glass of Lambrini with Ice and a cocktail umbella....
  21. Spent a couple of hours yesterday marking up a nice new big scale spiral bound easy read atlas with the route from the road book. It was only then that I noticed that the recommended route after the TR register control is down the M40 and around the busy bit of the M25 on late Sunday afternoon when it's really really busy. I remember back in 2008 the route back went a little further North and joined the M25 further round at the A41. I've dug out a copy of the 2008 road book and am thinking of using that route, it's even possible to modify it slightly and cross under the M25 on the A41 and then re-join the M25 on the A405 junction which means only a couple of junctions of the "Road to Hell" before turning off to the Plough. Anyone got any reason why this wouldn't be a good idea?, timing looks pretty similar in the road book but I'm sure it will be less traffic ridden and more reliable to time...
  22. Yeah, Just tested it myself and it worked fine. Only probelm is I left my work email signature on the end, I remember now you have to put "EOM" at the end of the message to surpress any signatures.   I could do with deleting the test message with the work signature on it but I doubt there is any easy way of doing this!
  23. No full stop on the end. also make sure you have " .org.uk " on the end and not " .co.uk " a lot of people make that mistake...
  24. LEE_GODFREY wrote:Bet they have well pruned "bushes" though........ :D  Fnar Fnar ! ;)
  25. Sounds like a real world version of "Rosemary and Thyme", and I hate that bloody programme but the Missus has insisted in watching it a few times, is there no escape  :-/
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