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Velocita Rosso

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Everything posted by Velocita Rosso

  1. Thats why its ...Border Raiders.....the original name ...Border Reivers ,from the 13th to 17th century era of gangs of raiders who used to nick things from either side of the border....then go home with their hoards of ill gotten gains..... So next year...all dressed in kilts and wode ,riding horseback
  2. Hope everyone enjoyed this years Raiders event. Sorry to hear of certain hiccups but hope you will be back next time For all those interested in souvenirs.....at reasonable prices : Pieces of Hadrians Wall £8.00 per block, Yorkshire Stone £5.00 per block and sheep horns at £2.00 per horn All proceeds going into the Raiders coffers to help in the next event funding😉
  3. There comes a time , whereby a little reminder to one and all of how we operate as a club has to be explained To most ,especially long standing members who we are proud of, have the knowledge of how Club Triumph has operated over the years. From the days of origination to current days, Club Triumph has been run by individual volunteers who pride themselves in helping others......in an unpaid capacity. The Club has no operating office base and each officer works from home, sometimes into the late hours after their own paid employment has ceased, whether it be keeping the membership files up to date, planning events or editing and producing a second to none ,pristine, full colour magazine for all to read and enjoy. No salaries are awarded to these hard working officer members who assist other members in their problems and are happy in doing so. Sometimes its hard to give 110% and little things can slip through the net, but are happy to be prompted in correcting matters. So ,whilst reading your latest issue of Club Torque ,please give consideration and thought to all the club officers who give their all in providing you with a second to none service...and then also wonder how all those articles originate .
  4. Not teaching `Granny` to suck eggs....but the event is a touring....the word convoy can be picked up by certain authorities and misconstrued To clarify ...a touring event, where everyone socialises with everyone....there is no off roading.....the previous posting did not intimate there was on The Border Raiders....a few potholes down some roads maybe The Three Panamanians. await your attendance for what should be a good celebratory event
  5. Even less traffic where we go ,Mike
  6. Two weeks to go before heading off in to the countryside All green with envy?
  7. Last month bought some Wensleydale cheese, had a sandwich...few days later could nt find the cheese in the fridge....thought I was going crackers,albeit I found those, ......This morning found the mould covered cheese .....at the back of the cereal cupboard!! So i dug out the crackers!!🤢🤢
  8. Ah...I see you are used to off roading!
  9. You mean you are expecting things to fall off, needing tools?😉
  10. Glad everyone enjoyed the C2C. event.. Very upset reading how everyone enjoyed themselves whilst we were sat at home , suffering multiple problems of illness and family related issues. The corner now having been turned intend getting on with the important things of driving a Spitfire.and joining in with other club members
  11. Final meeting last night to dot the I`s and cross the T`s. Nearly there and good to go. Rally plates and merchandise all look good.
  12. On the latest search you are correct by 1000 I searched some years ago and that was not the figure printed Teach me to use an old brain
  13. Thats about or nearly right. However the MK3 is the rarest as they were the least made
  14. Looks like we are nearly entry completed. The Spitfire is our entry
  15. The Nachtrits have been one of my favourite events for all the above reasons. However due to the ever increasing ferry costs ,it makes it more difficult to enter , the ferry overshadowing all other costs. We had one friend who came over a couple of weeks ago and it cost £540.00 ......compared to when we first crossed at a cost of £180.00. So until the ferry fees drop ....I doubt if we would be entering
  16. In that category, you would be surprised how much you would have to pay for a decent GT6...depends on what your pocket can afford
  17. WE use ARP head bolts and nuts
  18. Did you get the correct gasket? Also use Payen type when doing so. Maybe you have a warped head or case?
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