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Inline fuel filter - best location?


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It's time to replace the fuel filter that's been on my 13/60 since I've owned it. Currently, it is located in the boot - right where the fuel exits the tank.

Some folks put the filter in the engine bay instead, right? -- before the pump? I'm considering doing the same unless someone can offer a good reason why the boot is preferable.


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After fighting with sediment and rust in both my 2000 and Vitesse I have two - one by the boot, and then one between the pump and carbs to help clear out any bits that may have been 'missed' by the old filter. Some still gets through though, so it's work checking dash-pots now and then if you have SUs!

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Thanks for all the helpful responses. I’ve seen it suggested that more than one filter in a system can act like a restriction, but it would appear not to be an issue for many of you. However, I imagine that over time, particulate build-up in a pair of filters might be problematic --- but that’s just a maintenance issue --- easily rectified

For now, my new filter’s going in the boot. I might add another in the engine bay at a later date.


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