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I quite like the look of this weel,   modern, but period looking,
as  Vits,and heradls had some thing similar I think




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3122 wrote:
I rather like that, not dissimilar to the ones Vitesses had originally? :)


Ahem Aaron, the Vitesse originally had the same steering wheel as the Herald 1200.  The 2 Litre Vitesse however, had the wire sprung wheel somewhat similar to the one shown, only older!


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1218 wrote:

Ahem Aaron, the Vitesse originally had the same steering wheel as the Herald 1200.  The 2 Litre Vitesse however, had the wire sprung wheel somewhat similar to the one shown, only older!


I've only seen one or two Vitessi, you were about when they were sold new! Unfair advantage maaannn! :P

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Funnily enough I only remember the MKll Vitesse as a new car, in showrooms, but of course I certainly am of the age to remember all except the very first as new cars (I can just about remember the assassination of President Kennedy).  I never particulary remember Vitesses from when I was young, certainly remember most other cars that were current from the era, perhaps they weren't that common?


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