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Recessed Exhaust


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Hi Everyone,
I have recently acquired 2 cherry bomb exhausts and I am hoping to have them as a twin rear exit. However, I am hoping to recess them someway into the boot floor in order to get them to sit nicely at the rear and keep them away from the ground. Has anyone else had any success with doing this before? Had spoken to someone who had cut a 4" tube in half and welded those into the boot floor allowing the exhaust to sit higher.

Some rubbish pictures of the exhaust. But hoping it looks good!

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Quoted from stevegt6
Fuel tank might be an issue..?

I'm not going to go anywhere near the fuel tank though, and my flooring will be heatshielded and carpeted. Exhaust wouldn't be touching the floor but very close to it.

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It's going to have to be routed from behind the diff and round on either side like the picture below. I dont think it will be possible to have them angled massively upwards like in my mock up but I wasn't expecting to be able to really!

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Was thinking more about room for a 'tunnel' type thing if you were shoving it up in the boot...

Here's a pic of the twin pipes on mine - the the regular stainless sports system supplied by most - Don't have any issues with ground clearance unless really going some on an uneven road or an unseen small hump back bridge over a canal 😉 but just get few sparks and a little bit shaved off the metal

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I just have the standard exhaust all the way to the engine apart from the cherry bombs. I have no experience in bending steel tubing or welding steel tubing! How much am i looking at to take it to a custom place to get the y joint made?

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Quoted from GT6 M
2 cherry bombs will be v v noisey
It will be v v awfull after a while at speed.

And, angling a cherry bomb upwards, then it,ll fill wid water. = rust

just me tuppence wuth

She wont be a daily and just for fun Can easily add a muffler into the cherry bomb if needed (a lawnmower one i've heard fit well and still sound good!) Good point on the upwards exhaust filling with water though, I hadn't thought of that!

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Quoted from chunky63
What about a side exit....with the added bonus of heated seats too...


I have wondered whether a good way to package a side-exit exhaust would be to cut the sill along its length, flip it inside out to make a concave sill rather than a convex one and run it through that space.

It's something I wanted to try on an XJS as a way of avoiding the convoluted route the exhaust takes above the rear suspension unit, but then people suddenly decided that XJS' were worth more than their weight in scrap and they've moved out of my price range...

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I saw that car at Lydden Hill last year and had a chat to the owner great chap who's been running Spitfires for ages in various Modsports categories.

He's moved the whole front suspension assembly ~6" or so forwards to improve handling and allow the AP1 S2000 lump to fit under the stock bonnet.

Bloody quick little machine

Oh, he was impressed with Marcus'/my rear suspension setup when I explained it to him

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