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SAH rocker cover available again !


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Hello All,

I've managed to get a source for the correct alloy rocker cover to fit the GT6.

The source is from Moss Europe, essentially it will be the cost of an alloy rocker cover from Moss, plus a machining fee of £15 - £20 for a single item. However the machining cost can be reduced down to £10 each for a bulk order of 10+.

Therefore then the costs for each type will be as follows:

Polished = £130 + machining fee + postage

Satin black with polished ribs = £102 + machining fee + postage

Both types have the Triumph Tune logo on.

By the looks of the website, the gasket, fittings & oil cap come at extra cost.

Could you please let me know if you would be interested & who knows, the bigger the order we may even be able to swing a better discount.


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Sam, doo ye mean a rocker box with SAH on it,
or with TTune on it!!!

there were a few diff types,  some wide an shallow
some as above, but with sloping ends,  both got TTon em
one in a circle, the other in a line.

I have both types, and the sloping one looks alott lott better.

Also got a SAH,n but this is alott lott taller than the others
Mesell, I prefer the sloping TT one I got on, the SAH one just looks too tall for the GT

Any below that ye on aboot, or is it some thing different,!!


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The above rocker covers are shown in the attached picture.  I'm not fully sure how they will be machined to fit the GT6 though. I shall send another email,  I'm hoping that the process will turn the rocker cover into the slopped edges type.


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The SAH ones are like Rocking horse Poo now and command a very high price when they come up for sale 2nd hand on ebay, usually £200+. The later Triumphtune ones are a completely different design and are pretty much the same as the ones available from many sources today all beit with the adition of the Toilettune Triumphtune logo.

I'm lucky enough to have one of the genuine original SAH rocker covers on the GT6 And no it's not for sale !!

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The black one will fit no bother,  its the same as the low fatt one i bunged up,
the other may be just a wee bitt to high on fronts.

most needed a chamfer put onto leading fins.
as in the one with three on, the one ont left.

Andy, that just dont go with the car colour,
Best offer it for sale.


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Sam - You can put me down for one of the satin back ones.

Ultimitely I'd like to get my hands on one of the TT sloped ones as per Marcus's last pic but a satin black one as per Sam's pic will do for the time being  

Back in about 1989/1990 I had about seven or eight of these lying about in the garage, of which three or four were SAH ones - would you believe I gave them away when Triumphs and I parted company in 1992 (temporarily as it later turned out)  

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Mr Radders sent his one back as the quality was pure shite
Mine is only a wee bit better, I wished I'd bought the black but one without the writing on !
This is what it should be like, the original T-Tune one

This is the writing on mine and remember this is better than the one Mr Radders was sent !

The whole thing

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Quoted from GT6 M
Sam, they wont be able to machine much off.
the tops onle aboot 5/16 - 1/4 thickat most.
So if they going to machine it doon, then its gonna be as thin as owt.

the wide one will fit no bother.



Could you explain what you mean by the wider one will fit no problem ?


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Quoted from sam93


Could you explain what you mean by the wider one will fit no problem ?


Take a look a Marcus's pictures near the top of this thread.  There are 3 different rocker covers placed side by side for comparison.  The middle one is wider and lower than the other two.  That is the one Marcus is referring to.

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  • 2 years later...

Ian, bung a pipe an a  filter on the redundant petrol pump wol
which will noo eva cover over it
3/4 inch pipe is best, squashed up int vice to match hole int block
weld,or solder toa plate, an bobs yer uncle

failing that, just drill thru, and attach a nut an oil deflctor ont insides
most needed i,ll add is the oil deflctor


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Drill the rocker box, add nut to back side oft pipe,
fit spalsh gard, and route it to underneath  plenum, simples

or, as I did, to an olde overflow bottle, , then into plenum
moer work, but still simples

an pipe frae box  on its way doon  t,bottle

baffle int box


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