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TR2-4 uprated water pump in sixes?


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Hi Glang

Its got a cast impeller with the bigger/more of the fins than the standard pump with four flat/shallow impellers.

The more expensive uprated pump has an alloy impeller that has been machined with larger fins. I have this fitted at present but my engine over cools.

I'm not saying its the pump but i'm now not so sure an uprated pump is necessary. I use my 2000 for competition and it only strays just above normal when ticking over for long periods. I don't have a crank fan fitted.

When I get chance I'm swapping back to a standard pump to see how it performs.


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I got one with the better cast iron impeller from a place in Blackpool Markus put me on to. Didn’t cost much as I recal.

FWIW, you can reduce cavitation by machining away the vanes around the factory impeller Boss, they just make the water froth, and setting the clearance carefully on the impeller shaft. It’s often rather random.

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Thanks I'll have a look into suppliers around that area. Meanwhile Ive got a cunning plan with the standard pump which is to install an aluminium spacer ring in the pump housing to minimise the clearance between the impeller and intake. Fixing the spacer in place is not going to be easy and it could all end in tears but I think theres at least a 0.5mm gap at the moment which is reducing pump efficiency...

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