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Ive just imported 50 of these from China will sell them on @ £10.99 each  to CT members on the RBR £2 of that is going to MIND charity


I will also be selling pre made 100% beefburgers moulded to fit at the Plough £1.99 A shot 50p of that going to mind

e-mail me to per order

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You load of poncy galahs.
What's wrong with wrapping them in foil and wiring them to the manifold?
Just retard the ignition a touch and they're done in 2 miles.
See: http://www.treehugger.com/files/2009/08/cooking-on-your-car.php

But they are making a "warm salad"!  YUCK!

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ajp wrote:
Ive just imported 50 of these from China will sell them on @ £10.99 each  to CT members on the RBR £2 of that is going to MIND charity


I will also be selling pre made 100% beefburgers moulded to fit at the Plough £1.99 A shot 50p of that going to mind

e-mail me to per order


2 drivers 2 exhausts on the stag (brilliant) although we have thought about wrapping 2 sausages in tin foil dropping them in the V under the carb :)

We was only discussing this at the weekend.

Andy & Sarah
don't forget Sarah works in Environmental Health (food)

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The short answer is yes idle willl work.  Long answer depends of what you are cooking.  Beans in a can do not require high heat.  Meat on the outher hand will.  Problem with food needing high heat is the surface area of the exaust manfold.  Things that just need warming do quite well on the engine.  Moving is no problem if it is afixed securely.  Us old off roaders and US Army Vets have been well versed in engine cooking, heating.

One could do as Pat and Blake tried, add a little Diesel for flavor if using the above tail pipe cooker.  I'm sure George Forman will have a grill just for this.
Remember last time the Twin Chubby Guys were gonna have a complete food van (verymad)
Also to have a porta potty (ok) But, well you know that story. (dissappointed)

When you have a co-driver like Ash, who comsumes large amounts of RED BULL and Mars Bars, a large potty would be welcome, as one just can not "sit on a tree" that's still upright. (dizzy) Not hat he has not tried.

Bill and Karen could do quite well if they sell Ice Cream from their van (wiseman)

Remember: the more you eat and drink the more "We need a tree!"   (scared)

Hands up, how many will try cooking anything in a can, UN OPEN or Vented! (sleeping)

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You think you're kidding, don't you?
Never heard of the Webasto in-car cooker?
  (well, actually 'in motorhome', but anyway)

Runs off the vehicle's own tank!
They make vehicle heaters that run off petrol, so I'm sure they'll make up a custom kitchen range for your Spitfire.


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