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Stromberg oil consumption


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Shouldn't use any  ::)

I suspect you have the later 'emission spec' carbs which adjust from the top.  They have an o ring in the adjuster mechanism which is supposed to stop the damping oil leaking down into the carb.  Sounds like yours are past their best!


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Hi  Roger,  dont fill them to the top, the damper should drop in to within 3/8"
just so its in the oil, if you overfill the excess gets pulled over the top as the piston drops,  but they do use some oil which is why the book says check weekly,, and soon the engine will leak and the   balance is then maintained   time for tea  Pete

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Hi Roger, mine also need topping up every other week, so dont worry. A tip I picked up from an older triumph guy was to use Redex instead of the normal dashpot oil, seems to work ok with mine. The reason being that Redex burns "cleaner" than dashpot oil if drawn into the engine! Steve.

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