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Wiper problems!          


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The wipers packed up on my late '64 1200 convertible, a while back - finally got around to doing something about it, so disconnected the motor & wiring, removed the plate, taking out the end of the inner cable, spring contact clip etc. etc. & pulled the inner cable out. There was some rustiness in a couple of places in evidence so I cleaned it off in petrol as best I could, marked the tops of the wheelboxes & rotated them a 180 degrees - they spun easily enough by hand. I sprayed 3-in-1 up the bundy tube + spray grease & coated the inner cable with spray grease. I managed to refit everything, tried the wiper switch prior to putting the blades back on.....seemed okay so fitted the blades - result: exactly the same as before! I removed the driver's blade & could actually turn the wheelbox with finger & thumb about half-a-turn!!!

My question is could it be just an inner cable that wants replacing or will the inner cable be okay ie. if they don't snap they will work because they don't wear? I presume that the drivers side wheelbox as a minimum will require changing? Any advice/expert diagnosis much appreciated!    

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Thanks for the reply - yes, it is...........despite my best effort to jigger it! I got the pliers onto the two raised little 'lugs' with the gap in the middle that the contact clip, having a cutout, nestles in so that a circlip can keep it in position. I bent one of 'em to the extent that it broke so to put the contact clip back I used a tight spring washer that seemed to do the job. Goodness knows how long it will last. They seem to be asking acround fifty quid for those early wiper motors on ebay - & they're covered in grot. New or repro ones seem to be knocking on for two hundred quid!)

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you need to do it with the blades on to put the system under load to provoke any lost motion.

I'm still not sure I understand the problem......  Seems to be that the motor runs but the wipers don't move (at all?  not enough?).  Do the spindles turn if you run the motor with the  wipers off?  If not then it's really pretty sick.......  Is the wire spiral still tight on the cable?


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Sorry, I've obviously not explained the situation very well - no doubt, waffled on too much, as usual.
In answer to your questions, Nick - (thanks for taking an interest, by the way...)
Yes despite my best efforts to the contrary, the motor runs - seemingly efficiently...
Yes, the spindles turn with the wiper blades removed...
Yes, the wire spiral seems tight onto the cable...
What is happening is that the nearside (passenger) wiper has a full sweep & seems to be working fine whereas the drivers one 'slips' (only way that I can describe it) badly & stops on the screen. Hardly surprising given, as previously mentioned, I can grasp the spindle & twist it about 180degrees with finger & thumb, with the wipers not switched on...
What I really want to know is...
a) Can the wheelbox assemby have somehow come loose from the bundy tube - if so will tightening it possibly resolve the situation?
b) Do I need to buy a new inner cable, ie. does anybody know if they wear out to the extent that they don't engage with the wheelbox gear wheel?
c) Do I need to buy a new wheelbox before I do anything else or is there something that I can do before possibly having to buy new components?
Many thanks for your help...

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if you can refit the rack so the wheel box runs on unused teeth you may recover some drive

its stick card needle on the spline drive and pull out the rack , turn the wheel boxe 180deg refit rack and hopefully
the needle is now opposite from where you started.

the teeth can wear out . the tubes can be loose and the rack can wear,  it takes a lot of load so doesnt last 50 years .

you can remove the  motor gear box cover plate and turn the rack over  but they are available incut to length to suit.

wheel boxes are available but you need the ones with correct number of teeth or the sweep will be wrong
unless you change the motor gear to match up.

its all easy to see whats going on with varifocals and feet in the air  ....not  ...well its not raining


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Sounds like you have either lost some teeth or the gear wheel/splined cap are loose on the spindle.  I think that if you had loose tubes at the point it would affect both sides.

The earlier Herald/Vitesse wheelboxes were not available new last time I looked though you can get the later variant (for wider wiper spacing) as they also fit Minis.


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Thanks again, chaps - will get under the dash., somehow, and see if the connection of the wheelbox to bundy tube is loose........failing which, will take a punt on a new wheelbox as it seems far more likely that that is the problem than the cable...

Are there any suitable ones on ebay for a 1200 Herald that probably rolled out of Canley in October or November of 1964...   

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  • 2 months later...

Ashamed to say have still not up-ended myself in the footwell to check the mounting of the offside wheelbox, despite the little dear still being in regular use. I've picked up on this ebay ad. no. 3721 1247 9646 which states that the part no. is  72827A & is for a 'Mini Mk.II incl. Cooper'...(sorry still dunno how to post the link!)...........Just wondering whether all you experts out in cyberspace think it will fit a late '64 1200 convertible should it be necessary to replace the wheelbox - which I'm 95% certain will need doing????          

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