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Herald 1200 engine mounts


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Hi all
Has anyone had any bad experience with replaicement engine mounts? I fitted new ones as my originals had started to break up, but vibration has increased and after About 1000 miles one has started to crack ( the rubber bit) . Is there any difference in supplies?
I have made sure everything is in line and not touching anywhere, and have even fitted an O/D gearbox, but the vibration is the same. Am I just being picky???

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I recently dissected some new engine mounts. Compared to what was coming through the system 5-6 years ago they are beautifully moulded and look like a much better product.  Looks count for little though, I could cut straight through the rubber with a scalpel, the inside of the rubber has an open cells structure like a sponge. Little wonder they disintegrate so rapidly.

I keep looking at making polyurethane engine mountings, but price is a big obstacle to many Triumph owners.


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heraldcoupe wrote:
I keep looking at making polyurethane engine mountings, but price is a big obstacle to many Triumph owners.
That's a typical almost-Catch-22 situation, one that seems all too common in the hobby these days. Even once you've demonstrated and proven the durability of such a part, you still need to find people who might pay 2-3 times as much for a part that will last many years instead of a few months. Oddly, there are many folks who will want to save every penny they can on certain parts, even if they're constantly replacing said parts!  Go figure.... ??)

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It's a real problem. Where I can produce everything in-house I tend to just go for it and take a chance. While I do all the polyurethane work myself, I would need to subcontract the metalwork, so there's an outlay to consider with some considerable test period before I am able to recoup anything.
Each time I look at it I convince myself that there are safer returns to be found in other projects,


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But then you've got the get the old mounts off people before you start anything. Plus you have to remove the old rubber from them before they can be used. And when someone doesn't send their old mounts back to you as part of an exchange system you're back to square one. The only real way of doing it would be to team up with other sellers and get a large batch done, but in that instance the amount needed to be produced probably makes home creation unworkable and poor old Bill gets left out in the cold having gotten the ball rolling.

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herald948 wrote:
Can the metal from old mounts be "recycled" for new ones?

I'd be quite happy to buy new mounts and strip the metal out of those, but I've not found an efficient way of removing the rubber. The material's been impervious to any petrochemicals I've tried, which leaves mechanical methods,


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I was thinking about the burning it off lark, but no doubt it could damage the welds on the matal work?

I've got a new pair ready to go on the herald, after no luck trying to pick up a pair at staford, I may keep the old ones just in case the new ones are crap..

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Burning off the rubber would work, but there are a few good reasons not to do it.
Firstly, I'm not looking at a single pair of engine mountings. To make a set of moulds economically viable I would need to make 20-30 sets. Have you ever seen a traveller site bonfire when they're burning the covering off copper cable? It's not pleasant, and I've no intention of increasing the already high level of local pollution.
Secondly, welded structures which are exposed to fire are incredibly difficult to prevent from rusting in future. Restorers are very reluctant to work on fire-damaged bodyshells for this reason. Perhaps being so concerned about a mere engine mount is alarmist, but what's the point in me making engine mounts which deteriorate rapidly? Someone else is already doing that,


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Just thought I would let you know that I have replaced the mounts with spitfire ones from moss. They seem a bit more flexible and don't have the rubber filling the the bit around the body mount side. Doesn't feel quite so harsh, but here's hoping they last a bit longer.  Doing the HCR run this weekend, so hope they don't fall apart!
Having had the wheels ballanced, I also found the rear tyres were oval, so it should be a bit smoother now . Dohhhh!!

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