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Hot Under the Collar - New Radiator?


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So, my wee beastie is getting there - SU carbs and balanced engine now running beutifully after a bedding in service, just a tune to go! :) :)

However, when driving the other day in the sweltering 31deg heat it did get a little hot, the temp guage which I know just gives an 'indication' crept most of the way round till a little before the red (maybe 80% - 85% there) before just settling out. I was also a little worried about getting stuck in a jam on the motorway and it seemed to need a good air flow through. It also spluttered a bit when I stopped at some lights - I assume I might be getting some fuel evaporation when stationery. HOT HOT HOT

It's got a standard but vgc radiator, a good ali cowl going round the radiator and engine and an electric fan which at this time of year I just leave running. The exhaust is also wrapped to try and keep heat out of the bay.

So, what to do! Is it worth swappling out the radiator? Would this most likely not fix the fuel issue anyway? And if I did swap it out is there an aftermarket which wouldn't need welding skills to fix? A lot of the threads I've read here see to require quite a few mods on radiators from other cars. I can see ali GT6 radiators online but they are pretty steep price wise :o :) .. or maybe a bigger / better electric fan if I can find one, any advice very welcome!

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