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My friend has a mk1 gt6 that he is preparing to sell and wants to give it a full service first.

He asked me what parts to order so I had a look and there are two types of service kits available.
One kit Up to engine number KC7905
The other From engine number KC7906
I said he needs to let me know what his engine number is, he can not find it (either he is not looking well enough or it is missing? I don't have the time for a while to go over and have a look myself
So how else can you identify what service kit to buy?

Thanks in advance


He's been looking at this page: http://www.rimmerbros.co.uk/Item--i-GRID012003

Why does he think that replacing the air filters, spark plugs and fan belt will help him sell the car?  Unless it doesn't have any.
He'd do better to spend his money on a full valet, and one of these: http://www.yankeecandle.co.uk/.....y3A1TwAfUaAkjv8P8HAQ

You know where the engine number is stamped, sheepy.    Can he not follow directions?



Ha ha that's great John, I will send him that link so he can get a jar.

Yes that was the kits he was looking at, and also on James paddocks site.

He wants to service it fully so that it's correct when he sells it, (quite decent attitude) I told him where to look but he swears he can see nothing, (he is not a mechanic, but then he is also not completely stupid) perhaps I should get him to do it via video chat so I can see!


Who knows Mark, anything is possible by the previous owner.
Especially as it is a rally car! I will have to get him to look some more or plan a trip over to see him



If the block is skimmed the numbers are gone,
on your spitfire it is the same, no number, or a very vague one IIRC, or was that on mine....
I know there is a table somewhere with the comm numbers and GB/ engine numbers in relation to that, he might find his series going that route, unless of course the block has been changed

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