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Replacement engine

Swiss Tony

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Putting aside the fact that all I ever wanted from my Stag was to drive it, fettle it a bit, fiddle with bits and pieces and have some fun with it, having rebuilt the bodywork and made a long drawn out and protracted start on the engine, I have reached the point where the reality of the problem is that the engine is going nowhere, ever.  12 years full of water, stuck heads, and the inevitable corrosion leads me to think about replacing it.

It was an original engine, but what is the SIMPLE and STRAIGHTFORWARD advice on whether to go for the same or a Rover engine?  Or any other alternative?

I am not looking for top speed, just cruising about and enjoying the car for once.  Had it for 12 years and driven no more than about 1 mile on the test drive where I discovered the brakes were not working, which led on to rebuilding them, followed by the floor, followed by blah blah and 12 years of being up on ramps.

Im tempted to get rid of it and get something that does drive, but that would be such a shame.  Fed up with it now and looking for a simple way out of this deepening hole I seem to be in.


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Sorry to hear this,

Simplest (expensive) thing would be to get a rebuilt Stag engine. This involves throwing money at it. EJ Ward, Abinger Hammer, Enginity etc (maybe try Tony Hart?). See if they can reclaim any part of your existing engine.

S/H engines do come up for sale on the SOC website. But you have to be a member of the SOC to see the "For Sale" section.

Start changing the engine and it's never simple. You could put a Rover V8 in but you need to change the gearbox as well or get an adapter, Then there is a power bulge in the bonnet or find a Holly carb, change exhaust system, engine & gearbox mounts, radiator, wiring loom....

A Triumph straight 6 fits easier, but has less power (still adequate though), still need the following though, change exhaust system, (Saloon or TR gearbox unless its an auto) engine & gearbox mounts, radiator, wiring loom....  (I changed my Stag back from a 2500S engine so I have some idea of the work involved)

Any other engines becomes a voyage of discovery and it sounds like you want a quick fix.

Are you going to Stoneleigh,? I still have your boot boards to return and I could take them there.

or cut your losses, sell it as a restoration project and buy a better Stag or a Chimaera(?).

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MikeyB wrote:
S/H engines also come up on fleebay.  If you are going down the rebuild route, (ie. want to keep standard, then £300-£500 could buy you one that may be easier to rebuild.  You may even get a few quid back for you old one if you sell it on complete.

Are they "Mikey" pounds, like you price gearboxes in? Or real world pounds??

It might be easiest to put a 2.5S engine in, just to get it on the road.


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If you already planned to rebuild the original engine, then I think rebuilding another S/H Triumph engine is the way to go (especially if you've already obtained some parts for it).  That way you won't have to do all the other mods as described above, plus change the front  suspension to suit the lighter engine.  And the Stag maintains its value better with a Triumph V8 engine...

Unless you can find a verified good alternative engine, you would probably want to rebuild it anyway for peace of mind.  All the other mods to the car would probably more than offset the reduced expense of rebuilding a Rover V8 or Triumph 6.


Steve H

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Thanks for the advice guys.

I think finding a used original engine and rebuilding that is the way I prefer.  I am not a master mechanic by any means, but can call on one for advice when I need it, so hopefully with some guidance I can rebuild one and get to drive it one day.

Richard, I wont be at Stoneleigh, but will be passing you again one day.  Hope you dont start charging storage rent for the boards!


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Swiss_Tony wrote:
Well I have just managed to get an original engine on ebay.

Hopefully that will be the start of sorting things out and moving forward.


Is it the one in Harlow? If it is, it looked quite good in the photos, I thought about it myself especially as it went for a really good price but according to swmbo I need to fit the engine I've got on the bench into the stag before I go buying anymore!
Best of luck,

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FloydP wrote:

Is it the one in Harlow? If it is, it looked quite good in the photos, I thought about it myself especially as it went for a really good price but according to swmbo I need to fit the engine I've got on the bench into the stag before I go buying anymore!
Best of luck,


Yes it is the one in Harlow, major advantage to me is that the heads are off!

Trouble is the seller is not responding to me.  I had hoped he was on here and would make contact, Matthew Crichton, but I cant find the name here either.

Lets hope he does repsond before too long.


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If it was on ebay and the seller does not respond to your messages, politely tell him that you are disappointed in the lack of his response as you want to compete the deal and that you really don't want to have to raise an official dispute through ebay.

Said nicely this usually works without any nastiness on either side (it has done for me on the odd occasion this has happened) because there may be a legitimate reason for the lack of response ....... or not such as they did not like the final bid price and are hoping you will go away ........

There is an absolute obligation for a seller to complete a legitimate ebay deal, possibly not legally binding in a court of law but you would know that one, but the risk of being banned from ebay is one few people dare risk.


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You frightened them into submission, and they have made contact.  Well done.

I would have been keen to investigate the court process, seeing as there was a contract, agreement, consideration given etc, and my old dusty contract law books would have been dusted off and re-analysed, but at least now I can go back to thinking about restoration again.

Thanks Ted, you pulled a blinder.


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