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A Bit Of Tool Making.


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Being a school bus driver I'm coming to the end of my 5 week holiday. As I had NOTHING to do to my cars (a temporary condition I know !) I decided to take the cover off the lathe and make me a couple of hub pullers.
The one on the right I made a while ago to get the rear hubs off the Spitfire,
I found a bit of scrap plate and pipe and made the one for the 2500 rear hubs. I gave these two to my mate to weld as he does this for a living and has a 250 amp mig. My 130 amp one is quite adequate for most of my jobs but a bit light for these I felt. A dozen cans later and I had them done.
I'm sure I'm not the only one who has struggled getting the diff output flanges off to replace the oil seals. In the past I've used heat and a FBH to separate them.
It came to me that I could use a spare axle flange, one of ther easiest jobs I've done, chopped the u j lugs off, turned a bit of a flat on the face and welded a 3/4" nut on.
Very surprised how easily things come apart with the right tools. I had a couple of old diffs laying around and had the bits off with no effort.

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Hi Tony,
            that's good stuff. I retired a couple of years ago and had to buy a lathe to replace the one I was used to in my old department.
Since then I've been making unobtanium parts for the TR4A - not very cost effective but satisfying.


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Hello Tony,

very useful, a little tip for the future, try and find some deep nuts so as to spread the thread load, often sold as screwed rod connector nuts. That's what I used on a spring compressor for my Jaguar.

I've had a lathe for very many years but I have just added a vertical milling machine, I should have bought one long ago,as it's so useful.


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