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Additional dashboard lights,factory or aftermarket


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michael_charlton wrote:
The only warning light originals are red(ign) green(oil) and blue(main beam) in the speedo and green indicator in the centre
In the 70`s there was a fad to add warning lights and switches....................that did nothing :)

What was it like in the 70's, did they live in houses (whistle)(whistle) ;)

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Tictor (is that your name? Autocorrect turns it to 'Ichor'), it shouldn't be hard to return your dash panel to standard, if you want to get rid of the extra lamps. Remove the wood panel, strip back the varnish and veneer, plug the unwanted holes with glued dowel, sand it flat and glue a new layer of veneer over the top. You can get a bit funky with the sort of wood you choose, if you don't want to replicate the factory's (I think) American Walnut. There are some interesting timbers available online, and because you don't need much it'll only cost a few dollars.

I re-veneered my GT6's dash, and it was the most satisfying part of the cars's restoration - http://geologist-abroad.blogspot.com.au/2009/07/dash-it.html

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