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The Right Type of Oil


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Hi All

Can anyone recomend the right tpye of oil I should be using in my Stag. It has a 3 litre Triumph engine and is currently running Castrol RS 10W40 but this feels a bit too thin. Would I be better off with a 15W40, a 20W40 or something else and is there a particular brand that would be best suited please?

All the best.

Andy  ??)

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If you're going to buy Halfords Classic 20/50 in the posh metal container and why not, there's nothing wrong with it, then consider buying Comma 20/50 in the cheap plastic bottle at up to half the price.  It's the same stuff!

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347 wrote:
Millers Classic 20w50. Anything too thin will p1ss itself out of all the wrong places. Halfords classic 20/50 is OK too, and Duckhams still produce a 20/50 so far as I know. 8) Our Stag gets fed with Millers 20/50 and seems to thrive on it. I tend to use Millers in our other machines too.


How much are you paying for the Millers Classic Sport??

I'm struggling to get it at an acceptable price.



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Personally I use Valvoline Turbo V - 15W40.  The stuff is usually on special at my local automotive supplier.
It is a 100% dino oil.  My employer puts a semi synthetic oil in his Stag but Iam unsure of the make and viscosity value.
Last I heard is it is better to use 100% dino oil in the TV8.


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thescrapman wrote:


How much are you paying for the Millers Classic Sport??

I'm struggling to get it at an acceptable price.



Colin - ashamed to say I don't know  :B- my local motor factors bloke stocks it and I recall comparing his price with that of EJ Wards and that it was about the same. I had so many problems with a previous Stag that I simply decided that the present one should have decent stuff to work with: cheaper in the long run and all that! 8)

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stag_ste wrote:
GT6 John,

Where did you get you avatar from?  I use that exact one on another car forum, but with Wibble written down the side....

Google!  It's great.  I just did an image search using the word 'wibble' and found exactly what I wanted! ;D

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347 wrote:
Millers Classic 20w50. Anything too thin will p1ss itself out of all the wrong places. Halfords classic 20/50 is OK too, and Duckhams still produce a 20/50 so far as I know. 8)

I use Duckhams Q 20-50 in the spitfire ( plenty of it as the engines a bit worn now :( luckly my daughter works for a motor factor:- staff discount makes it quite cheap ;D)
When i first started useing Duckhams 30years ago it was Green, now its the normal colour ??) Wonder why the change and when it happend ????

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stag_ste wrote:
This is getting confusing, I keep seeing 'my' avatar and thinking they are my posts..... lol

Sorry!  I thought I was being all original, too!  I was watching Black Adder for the umpteenth time, and the idea for the avatar came from that.  Someone else was bound to have had the same idea, it was inevitable!

I change mine every few months anyway.  Once I find something else I like it'll change!  

'Til then, wibble! ;D

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