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HS2 SU Carb jets.


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Just bought a twin carb refurb kit from Holden.co.uk. very cheap at £34 for both carbs.

I had a problem with my old jets in that they were stuck fast in place and the choke cable couldnt budge them. The new ones seem to fit well but they are not returning fully by themselves. With a little push upwards by the finger they return but I cant be doing that on every cold morning. Do I need to re-centre the needle? Do I need new return springs?

Thanks for any comments,

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Also make sure there's no grit or muck in there that could be jamming them.

That said... My brother had a Mk2 Spit with sticky jets, probably worse than yours. In normal use he hardly noticed, because pulling the choke out worked, then once started the engine vibration was enough to persuade the jets back up when he pushed it in. The only problem was if you got in when it was already hot, pulled the choke out of sheer habit, then realised you shouldn't have.

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then when all else fails start bending the crappy rods and levers so there's no binding , and the coil spring returns the jet back to its adjusting nut face

set the fast idle cam to give about 1500 + rpm on full choke
remove the inner cable and grease it , then set the choke fully off with  knob 3mm out of the dash


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