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I think I'm going to refurb my carbs,I've got a small amount of fuel leaking around the main jet housing.
I'm not sure if there's any seals in there or wether it's just flooding because the fuel level is too high in the bowls. The carbs still have the wax thing on the bottom so I thought if I give them a refurb it will eliminate some possible faults.
Am I correct in thinking the carbs are HS6's on a 2.5 ?

Where is the best place to obtain the kit from, I've been hearing mumblings about turner carbs recently and there are cheaper kits on eBay.
What's people's thoughts on current suppliers ?

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Hi Dave how much play is in the butterfly shafts? If this is excessive they will need rebushing.
Check you have the correct float bowls front and rear they are different heights, also check the needles and seats (new ones are problematic sometimes they don't seal well)
Check the pistons are not excessively worn ( you tube has a video for a drop test) they should drop at the same rate and not too quickly. You may also have worn dashpots (the oil leaks out) allowing the pistons to rise too fast.

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Hi Dave

the throttle shafts tend to wear more than the body holes and often new spindles will sort it.

You can slide the spindles along to the unworn part of them and determine extent of wear in the bodies.

I did this and it there was just a tiny bit of play which I understand is ok (apparently even a lot of play only affects idle, though can make mixture harder to set up, apparently raising the idle to over 1000 revs helps).

cheers, Dave

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