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J type OD solenoid?


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In the herald I have a J type OD, its recently been playing up sometime not engaging and sometimes does not disengage. The gearbox has plenty of oil in it and it looks nice and clean.
I am getting power to the solenoid and it is drawing current but cant hear any clicking from the solenoid. Should I be able to hear something?

Apart from taking the solenoid out is there anything else worth checking that I can do with the gearbox in the car?



They do click, but not loudly.  On the ones I've had it's been possible to hear them if operated with the engine off and head in passenger footwell.

Does sound like a solenoid problem though.



nang wrote:
Suggest you check wiring first. My experience is that solenoids rarely give trouble but loose or dirty connections do.

wiring all fine, have checked voltage and current at terminal of the solenoid.


nang wrote:
Suggest you check wiring first. My experience is that solenoids rarely give trouble but loose or dirty connections do.

My experience is mainly solenoid trouble.  Have had some reconditioned ones which appear to function but won't operate the overdrive.  The little rubber rings on the solenoid valve are important and the replacement thicker ones Rimmer do seem better.  

Also I've seen one of the little roll pins which hold the solenoid body to the valve drop out allowing body to move a wee bit.   Replacing the pin resolved a non-functioning OD that time.



ok finally got the OD solenoid out (after having to make a spanner to fit... I think it was last fitted with a hammer and drift...).
Took the circlip out and pulled the valve components out and am now not sure how it should work. Has anyone got a picture showing an exploded view of the solenoid valve?

I have a rod that goes into coil, the rod has a couple of seals on it, a spool piece with a hole thru it that line up with the holes in the body and has another O ring seal on it, a spring and an end peice (again lines up with the body holes) and then the circlip.
If the solenoid pulls the rod into the body what is there to push it out again? There does not seem to be spring or anything... or does it rely on the oil pressure? All a bit confusing, the rod on mine is very corroded so  could be causing it to stick in the  coil but dont know...

Will probably buy a recon one but it would nice to undertsand how it meant to work! I hate not understanding how the stuff should work...:)



1344 wrote:
It is an electro magnet,power on and the inner rod goes one way-power off and it moves the other way

get that bit, but whats moves it back again? I dont seem to have a spring in mine to move out of the solenoid...the only spirng move the amature into the coil. But this might be the problem!



interesting the rod (armature) moves away out of the solenoid when the solenoid is powered and is returned by the small spring in line with the end cap.


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