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Footwell lights and flasher relays...


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I'm just tidying up some minor bits here and there while I wait for some parts to finish off my clutch master cylinder and I'm messing about under the dash trying to sort out the bits and bobs hanging down under the dash. I've got the footwell light, that works and I know where it's got to be attached but theres two relays hanging down under the dash as well and they're in the way and they don't half crackle when they touch the body of the light! Are these relays supposed to be just hanging there or are they meant to be attached in some way? Thanks in advance!


I'm pretty sure one is the flasher relay. I just want to know really if they should be firmly attached to something (like the dashboard) 'cos at the moment they're just hanging behind the dash by the wires!


The horn relay should be mounted on the bulkhead, so I would go for flasher relays also. My flasher relays were likewise just hanging around loose on the loom, never had any problem with them shorting on anything though. Can you hook them out of the way by looping them through other wires under the dash?


Cheers guys, glad to hear I'm not missing anything. I guess I'll just try to zip tie them out of the way. I suppose there's no reason why I shouldn't wrap them in tape to stop them shorting on stuff?


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