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Overdrive for Herald


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I have located a Soitfire mkiv 1300 overdrive gearbox and plan to fit to my 1965 Herald and need advice before I take things apart. I have also got an alloy bellhousing from a 948 to swithch with the Spit box. My questions are regarding the use of a Vitesse non-overdrive driveshaft and if I need to change the UJ to match the gearbox and diff. I remember from my Vitesse that the bolts were 9/16 as compared to the 1/2 inch, and will the UJs need to be changed to match. Finally, the engine, I believe will need to go forward a little bit, would anyone know the best way of achieveing this.

All and any advice appreicate.


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:)Thanks Andy and Pete.
There are always more questions though, some probably seem obvious, but believe me when I tell you it will help me understand.

I  have located a o/d mounting plate and mount, plus stalk switch.. Need solenoid.

Do you guys think I need to cut the floor to allow access to the rear of rhe gearbox and UJ bolts. Does the rear carpet need to be lifted?

What order of assembly would be best, should the original engine come out too and then when refitting put the engine and o/d go back in one unit?

Ken. :)

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I'm pretty sure you would need to cut away a bit of the tunnel and then make a removable cover, so yes, the carpet would need to be lifted. It should still be possible to fit the OD gearbox from inside the car, but it is substantially heavier and, therefore, rather more awkward. You might ultimately find that removing the engine and then installing both as a unit is easier, but those who have actually done this may have other opinions! :)

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I fitted my 1500 engine and overdrive box as one unit.
I hammered the end of the tunnel so it it cleared the prop end,you can just about get to the prop bolts,but it's easier to get to them from underneath.
When the tunnel goes back on it still seals around the undamaged bit of the metal tunnel.

If you need any info just send me a "pm"with your number and I'll give you a call

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