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Vitesse Mk 2 rear suspension rebuild

dave mc

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2191 wrote:

I know of loads of people that have done it that way and they have lasted years.

well I know 4  who did it,and all failed within 2 -3 years,some not many miles, one actually split whilst doing it.

ALL went on the one joint,  the joint where it was forced / levered over the spider the most.
so when yours go, look to see if its just one place.

Roto generally go all round. Not just on one place.

Main reason roto,s  go, is rust gets onto the leaves, and busts the bond, the more it busts,the more it goes.

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Only time will tell ,Marcus.

I'm not going to worry about it. The general manager of the TSSC put me onto it and it was never a problem for him. One of the most prevalent Triumph restorers in the country who is close to where I live has also done it that way without problems.

Only only did one that way. The other one was put on the 'proper' way when I replaced a vertical link.

They are both metalistik ones so who knows how long they are good for. I have heard of plenty of non original failures.

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