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2000 trailing arm bushes wtd

Richard B

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Is there anyone within easy (50 miles) travelling distance of Guildford who has anybody got a set of Superflex trailing arm bushes for a Stag / 2000 / 2.5 that they can loan?

I will order a set for Chris Witor next week and send direct to anyone who can help. or pay cash.

Just that I have had to take rather more off of the wife's Estate to change the diff and I may as well change the bushes whilst I doing it. I'd like to get the job all done this weekend.

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I have a pair that I bought from CW 20 years ago for the Mk1 but never fitted - they don't have stainless tubes.  More than 50 miles away but could send you a photo and bung in the post.  If interested will want some back sometime but no rush.


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