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Route  - M40 and M25 on Sunday ?:@&^%$!!

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Spent a couple of hours yesterday marking up a nice new big scale spiral bound easy read atlas with the route from the road book. It was only then that I noticed that the recommended route after the TR register control is down the M40 and around the busy bit of the M25 on late Sunday afternoon when it's really really busy.

I remember back in 2008 the route back went a little further North and joined the M25 further round at the A41. I've dug out a copy of the 2008 road book and am thinking of using that route, it's even possible to modify it slightly and cross under the M25 on the A41 and then re-join the M25 on the A405 junction which means only a couple of junctions of the "Road to Hell" before turning off to the Plough.

Anyone got any reason why this wouldn't be a good idea?, timing looks pretty similar in the road book but I'm sure it will be less traffic ridden and more reliable to time...

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The route in 2010 was to cut across to the A41 and then onto the M25. We stuck to it but saw a lot of cars turn onto the M40 and go that way.

We thought about it, but we felt that after we'd stuck to route nearly all the way round we may as well finish it properly.  :)

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Last time we used the B4009 to cut across to the A41. That worked fine although bits of it through some of the towns had traffic calming (bumps and bits where you have to give way to oncoming traffic) so may not be suitable for a hundred cars, though I'm sure we'll be fairly spread out by then. The A41 itself was fine too.

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I have to make a choice about which way to get from Camberley to Potters Bar all the time. As much as I hate sitting in traffic, if the M25 is moving it's just as fast as cutting through anywhere else because you're not the only person having that idea.

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Simple reasons for using more direct roads:

1. Complaints about the tricky route last time.

2. M40 and M25 are simple and do not require brain activity.

3. As Yogi states, the other route means lots of speed humps encountered, not good for Spits/GT6/TRs.

Sometimes we do seem to be dammed which ever decision we take. As always, I must advise that the route is in fact advisory.

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Agreed the route is advisory, and M40/M25 is simple in terms of navigation, just wanted to solicit thoughts on using the old alternative. It may well be a question of checking out the radio and sat nav traffic alerts on the Sunday to make a final decision. If the M25 is running clear then that would be the quicker route, it's just that I know how horrible it can be on that North West M25 stretch on a late Sunday afternoon and once you are stuck in a queue it's too late to get around it...

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