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I want to put a tell tale light on my mk1 saloon for the overdrive, the overdrive stalk has two wires and I'm presuming  ones live and one not when the the stalk is in the off position
Do I :-

1) put an bulb in line on the dead side (when off)

2) tee off the dead side (when off) with an bulb and then to earth

3) Something else

4) get a compatant person to do it

5) don't bother

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Hello Dave,

you can't use the column switch wires to connect to a tell tale lamp, as it on the earth side of the overdrive relay coil. Take a wire from the output side of the relay and connect the other side of the lampholder to earth.


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Quoted from piman
Hello Dave,

you can't use the column switch wires to connect to a tell tale lamp, as it on the earth side of the overdrive relay coil. Take a wire from the output side of the relay and connect the other side of the lampholder to earth.


I'm pretty sure that's how my one is wired up on Gertie.

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Hello Radders,

maybe the wiring has been changes
d or you do not have a relay? My manual's diagram shows the column switch is on the earth side of the relay and then passes through yhe inhibitor switch.

If you wanted to use that connection, wire the lamp to an ignition fed source and connect the other side of the lamp to the downstream connection of the column switch. That will also work.


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better still you want the tell tale to tell you the solenoid has power..not that the switch is working ..lots of od faults are power loss to the solenoid due to cacky connector/broken wires from gear knob switch to solenoid/inhibitor switches ,dodgy earth etc if you pick up the live for the tel tale from the actual connector on the solenoid and run it back into the car to the lamp at least when the OD dosnt work and the lamp in on you know the fault is not loss of power to solenoid  and visa versa ...helped me find a fault on the spit  od very quickly on a RBRR

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