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Stag spares which should I start collecting?

Martins Stag

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I had a Spitfire for 30 plus years and I've now sold and brought a Stag. Over the years I collected a number of difficult or rare bits to keep the car going. Now I have a Stag which items should I purchase that may be difficult to get in the future?

Some suggestions so far:

  • Ignition Barrel. No longer in production and becoming expensive second hand.

    Stag Gearboxes. A beefed up 2000 box but becoming expensive as a second hand spares

    Stag engine. Always the weak point of a Stag. It would be good to buy a complete spare and consider building it up as a rebuilt engine?

So is there any trim, mechanics or body panels I should be buying up and storing or would I just be making the spares situation worse for everyone else?


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I have a front screen trim somewhere in a shed, though not with the little connector clips.

Beware though that there are two type of trim and two type of rubber seal.  The wrong types do not fit together at all.  Very subtle difference in the lips but enough to make them not fit.


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