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Vitesse Starter Woes


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The starter solenoid on my Vitesse recently gave up the ghost (it was the original one!) and was replaced by a new one. However when I try to start the car now all I get is a loud clunk. I'm guessing that the starter motor is either stuck or kaput. Do you think that would be a reasonable assumption to make before I get underneath the car?


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Ron yes this sounds like its wound in with a low battery and its stuck in mesh, some motors have a square end on the spindle to turn with a small spanner , but freebird is right time to remove and give the helix a wash with brake cleaner or petrol to de dust and degrease the drive.
never oil the helix it attracts clutch dust and will jam very quickly again.

if stating does become a problem, the gear so called high toque modern motors take no power to drive and will fling it over at a cracking rate
can be expensive  but are brilliant  upgrade.


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