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Tim Hunt

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Everything posted by Tim Hunt

  1. As to the clunks as Clive says it could be wear on the splines. Another possibility is that one or more wheels is/are not correctly tightened. Jack up the car and lock the brake on each wheel in turn. Then grasp each wheel at 3 and 9 o'clock and try rotating the wheel both ways. If you detect any any movement at all then fully tighten the wheel in question. This may not solve your clunking problem since, as you have read, play can develop in many places in the drive train of these cars
  2. Humour today, reality tomorrow! Tim
  3. Great story Graham, thanks for posting. So typical of Paul and a nice way to give an idea of the man to members who had not been fortunate enough ever to meet him. Tim
  4. Such sad news Andy, my heartfelt condolences to you, Helen, Adam and all Paul's MANY friends. I first met Paul on the pioneering 2003 10CR as your co-driver in the Yellow Peril TR3A, a larger than life character and wonderful, caring man who was once met, never forgotten. My fondest memory of Paul is the eulogy he gave at Martin Randle's funeral in which he alleged that during all his years working for Michelin, Martin had in fact been conducting espionage for their competitor, Pirelli. It was characteristic of Paul that even at such a time he had the ability and light touch to leaven the proceedings with a little well judged humour. For me, meeting up again with Paul was a highlight of any visit to a Pendle and Pennine Group meeting. Any future Border Raiders or other CT event just won't be the same without him. I will for sure miss his welcoming smile as a marshal at the Tebay Services Control on an RBRR. RIP Burner Boy
  5. Yes, nice collection of cars, you've got the Triumph bug bad. Welcome and well done for finding this FORUM. I must confess the GTR5 is a new one on me, it's a happy marriage and I much prefer the appearance to that of the Dove hatchback coupe version of the TR4 must confesss the GTR5
  6. I think Chris you know really that if something sounds too good to be true there is usually a very good reason! I don't know your budget but if you look in the classified ads on this Forum under cars for sale you will find a very good fully rebuilt genuine UK CP series car for sale. Tim
  7. On Quest this morning I watched an edition of Henry Cole's 'Great Motorcycle Rides'. This covered a ride from Cumbria through Lancs and ending at Land's End. One evening, having travelled through Barnoldswick he overnighted at the Old Stone Trough, Kelbrook. This of course used to be the regular meeting place for many years of our Pendle and Pennine Group and I have many happy memories of staying there the night before a La Carrera Caledonia, or its successor the International AutoEcosse, and of course the Border Raiders. Tim
  8. I'd better not let SWMBO see this post! At least I am still comfortable in and still getting in and out of the 4A OK at 76! The early Federal TR6 seats help. Tim Tim
  9. Welcome to the Club Colin. I assume you still have custodianshio of the TR4A - why would anyone ever part with one of these cars? I look forward to seeing you and the TR on an event. Maybe the Coast to Coast 25-26 June. Tim
  10. Nick, talk of desperately low gearing puts me in mind of my 1275cc Morris Mini Cooper S, GLW 183C. This gave 16mph per 1,000rpm in top! Wonderful cross country but a pain 'cruising' at 70 on the motorway at 4,300+. Sadly this car had to go when I got my first company car in 1970. Strange to think that were the two cars in a similar condition today it would be worth more than my 4A. I know which car I would prefer to live with day to day, and certainly which one I would choose for the RBRR (even if non-Triumphs were permitted)! Tim
  11. I must say Darren that's the best looking six cars I've ever seen on a C.T. stand - well done!! Sorrry I couldn't be there to enjoy the sight Tim
  12. Mine came yesterday (Herts.).
  13. Result Danny! I knew you would be pleased. Tim
  14. This reminds me of watching Mick Hill racing his 'Janglia' (105E with 3.8 Jaguar straight six) in Club races in the late 60s, it looked like he was driving from the back seat! He progressed to a very well developed Boss Capri with a five litre V8 that started life as a spare unit for a GT40. This was almost unbeatable in its day. Tim
  15. What a nice friend to have Mike!😊 Tim
  16. Danny, if your original coupling is the same as on the TR4A, Moss part no. 21H5384 or 150696 (later type) then a Group 4 Ford Escort Mk1 or 2 item will fit. I have one on my car and the improvement in steering response, particuarly in combination with solid rack mounts is very noticeable. I had a quick check in my car and the overall length of the joint is about 98mm. See below, the heavy duty forged type is preferable to the cheaper pressed steel versions. I had one of these develop play quite quickly, it was worse than Clive's! https://www.motorsport-tools.com/ford-escort-parts-mk1-mk2/steering/steering-joints.html Tim
  17. Yes Colin, in view of possible fuel availability issues Mike and I treated the event as an econonmy run this time. We could see little point in arriving at controls before they opened and spent most time on motorways and dual carriageways between 2,500 and 2,800rpm in o/d top. However, we had some fun on roads in the Highlands and Wales and were not averse to using the car's full performance when appropriate for overtakes. The absence of hold ups helped economy as well, I have no mechanical fan on the 4A, the temperature gauge barely reached half way and the Kenlowe did not cut in once during the whole run. I forgot to partially blank off the radiator before leaving home, if the enbgine had been running hotter I might have achieved even better econonmy. Tim
  18. The easing of the fuel supply situation enabled me to top up the TR's tank yesterday for the first time since Ashburton and work out a true overall consumption for the event of 36.38mpg, the best I have ever achieved. Tim
  19. I think we sell ourselves short Tim by not including the Gift aid uplift. Were we to have done that over the years then it would not be long before we could celebrate the RBRR having raised a million pounds for charity! Tim
  20. Having just checked the JustGiving website I see that the total raised for the MNDA so far is an amazing £88,015 and still growing steadily. Such an amount seemed scarcely possible just a few short weeks ago. Am I right in thinking that the headline total takes no account of Gift Aid and, as a result, the total amount raised must already have passed £100K? Tim
  21. A reminder of something that can be out of sight and out of mind. On the Run we encounterd heavy rain and lots of standing water and I recommned that you lift the carpets in your cars and check that they and the underfelt are all bone dry. If not, remove them and dry them thoroughly then treat any rust that may have formed and, ideally, trace the source of any leaks - easier said than done. Glad to report the 4A remained watertight! Tim
  22. On DVLA comes up as 'Moss Kit' Green, 1296cc, Y.O.M 1971, F.R. January 1971, Tax due 1/10/21. Tim
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