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Crank bearing wear

daver clasper

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Hi folks

My Vitesse has always made a noise on first of the day start up.

However it has now started making a bit of noise on re-starting after a few hours.

I decided to drive the front on onto ramps to listen underneath.  I was having to rev it quite high and slip the clutch to get it on them and it made a hell of a knocking sound.

Could this be the crank bearings, or a severe pink (it doesn't pink when going up hills in high gear).

Didn't seem unduly noisy when listening underneath, though no load on them I guess.

Oil pressure has always been good and still is

Any help great please.

Cheers, Dave

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Thanks Pete

It has so far only done it when releasing the clutch pedal with load.

Twice, when moving off on a bit of gradient a bit of knock. Lot more knock when getting up the ramps.

Pressing the clutch it looks like crank is moving forward a least 0.5mm, (which is too much I guess) though bit hard to visualize accurately. It looked about this 10,000 ago when I got car.

I did fit the larger Landy clutch M/C recently, but wouldn't have thought would exacerbate the situation (have more pedal travel now).

Cheers Dave

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Yup - I ruined my old Herald engine this way - didn't make any funny noises etc, just put my foot on the clutch at a traffic island and the engine stalled. Considering I'd only been driving for a few months I was quite pleased to get it to work and then back home in the evening without using the clutch.

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Cheers chaps

Is it the the rear main cap (that can't be suitably replaced) and the thrust face on the crank that gets mullered, do you know please.

Also, I have to do car work on the street (with smaller parts allowed on kitchen table), so will have to try it with engine in situ, as I understand it can be done.

How high would the engine be raised to get the sump off and would this give access to all mains and the thrust washers.

Any other tips would be great as well please.

Cheers, Dave

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The main cap does get chewed, but also the block and the crankshaft faces too.  All retrievable if caught early.

How much end-float do you have?  if less than ~ 1.5mm the washers are still in (but maybe pretty chewed). If more like 3 - 4mm they've dropped out.......

Can be done in situ but really not fun.  Engine needs lifting about 2" minimum.


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My old Vitesse engine measured at 16 thou in about 2005 and was still the same  when removed last year about 40k miles later.

New one, with a NOS crank and standard size PB thrust washers was 6 thou when built.  I should check it again now it's done about 6k and see what it has settled (hopefully) at.


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