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Hi everyone,
my recently purchased 1500's engine is very 'ticky' sounding, as though the tappets are poorly adjusted.. i've re-checked clearances and they are fine. the engine has a genuine 41k on it, doesn't smoke, and pulls really well, so I'm pretty confident its nothing terminal. just wondered if this is a known trait of this engine? anyone elses quite noisy? and is there anything i can do to quieten it down?
many thanks

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Are you sure its not big ends starting to knock? These engines are pretty bad for big ends and what usually happens is one goes before the rest making a kind of ticking rather than classic the big end knocking sound. In my case I thought it was tappets but it just got gradually louder. I then thought it might be the water pump but a replacement didnt fix it. Only when I took the sump off did I realise number 3 bearing was wafer thin whilst all the rest were perfectly servicable.

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Hi there

Just because you think its ajusted properly doesn't meen it is not the tappets. I had the same problem with my GT6, In the end I changed the whole rocker shaft assembly and its fine now. The heads on the tappets will develope an indentation on the machined bit. This will cause a crater so when you adjust them with filla gauges they won't measure the crater. The only way to check is to undo the tappetts and see what state the heads are in if they are nice and smooth and no indents then they are fine, if not they will need replacing, you can get recon ones for about £80-90. Depends on how often you use the car if you go fior recon or new, you can get roller rockers but these are really exspensive.

Good Luck

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I think you really need to narrow the source of the noise down! Anything anyones suggested here is possible it just depends on what the noise sounds like and where its coming from!

If you need new rockers by the way Canleys do a kit with everything for £70 that looks to be pretty good. Usual disclaimer - I have no connection with them other than the fact I am a satisfied customer.

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Purr_White wrote:
Hi there

The heads on the tappets will develope an indentation on the machined bit. This will cause a crater so when you adjust them with filla gauges they won't measure the crater.


You set them up with a dial gauage!

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thanks for all your replies.. yes it has a sports exhaust. the ticking is definatly coming from rocker cover. will get a triumph mechanic friend of mine to have a listen and give his opinion. will let you know what he says. (I may just be so used to modern engines / noise insulation that I'm making a mountain of a molehill)
I'd be amazed (and horrified!) if the big ends were on way out, as I dont think you'd find a nicer looked after example.. 2 owners, fsh, 41k etc.. I've heard these engines aren't longest living but 41k!!?
fingers crossed its nothing major. will keep you all informed!

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Sounds a lot like tin foil flapping it's it's the exhaust and gets louder with time. Start the car up from cold and feel around quickly for gasses. Be careful as the exhaust gets hot very quickly.

Not that I've had a great deal of experience about this...  :B

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Tappets can still be noisy even if they are 'correctly' adjusted.  The problem could well be worn tappets.  What can happen is that the tappets wear into a concave shape producing a crater.  When you adjust the tappets, you do this with the tappet on the back of the cam with the tappet supported by the rim of the crater.  In operation, the cam comes round and slaps down into the crater.  The effective tappet clearance is whatever gap you have set plus the depth of the crater.  So the effective tappet clearance could be at least double what you have set.

Before rushing out and buying new rockers etc etc, I would check for worn tappets.  If you have severely worn tappets, you probably also have a worn camshaft.

When I was investigating tappet noise at a genuine 35000 miles on a 1500, I found 7 tappets OK and one b..g..d.  The mating cam was also b..g..d .

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The cam makers seem to suggest some big gaps, the cam in the Vitesse had  recommended
Inlets to be set to 0.56mm
Exhausts to be set to 0.61mm

That was a Kent "Sports R"


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timbancroft61 wrote:
22 and 25-is that correct.

I run my GT6 on 16 and 18-TH3 cam

Yes Tim, I know they are massive but that’s what they are.
Supplied and fitted by [removed at posters request]. I have been trying to get the Cam spec but upto now Mark has not obliged and given them to me.
Maybe one day he will let me know the spec of the engine he built for me.

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Jason wrote:
The cam makers seem to suggest some big gaps, the cam in the Vitesse had  recommended
Inlets to be set to 0.56mm
Exhausts to be set to 0.61mm
That was a Kent "Sports R"

Actually Jason looking at the Kent catalogue thats a TH2-6 "Sports" gaps 0.014", 0.018" (0.36mm, 0.46mm)

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