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8730 wrote:
Ok thanks. So is it a case of the whole carbs are unsuitable, or can I just change the pots?
Not affecting me financially either way, as I'm not paying for them. Will just say no thanks if they're totally wrong...

Someone will have them off you, Andrew buys old carbs, so don't throw them away.

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You can shorten the dashpot ( only the front carb needs doing ) enough to clear the bonnet don't forget the inner damper tube and piston rod need cutting by the same amount. This is the way I did it on my Sixfire.


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On my GT6 mk3 which i have got HS6's with DS dashpots the front one is still uber tight under bonnet - i have circa 1/4 inch clear stationary with engine as low as can go and bonnet highest front locstion.... also spitfire throttle cable and simple bracket off inlet manifold on mine.

They doo look good though  8)

1.75 Stroms are another option from something like a TR4 (think they are slightly shorter than later cars..???)

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I have HS4 experience on the Spit 1500, and Strom 150s on my GT6. Both sets of carbs were rebuilt by me (and in the case of the SUs, several times over 10 years).
When set up properly, the Strombergs are every bit as reliable as the SUs, and deliver a nice 3.5% CO at idle and 5.5% flat out @100bhp on my stock 2 Litre six.

The SUs on the spitfire however intermittently decide to spit petrol out of the float chambers, despite all my efforts over the years (new lines, tank seal, flushing ++++, filters, every type of needle valve and float known to man (currently ethanol resistant floats and viton tipped valves).
Give me Strombergs any day.....

- The Stromberg's achilles heel is the choke disc. Once that wears you can never get the mixture right, and a NOS one or swap from a better carb is the only cure. Even the 'O' ring on the needle adjustment can be changed with care, and the rubber seals on the spindles are a much better solution than the SU.

- SUs are an agricultural design by comparison, and the spindles run directly in the soft metal body. Any more than slight wear on the brass spindle will wreck the body and its off for a rebushing in a machine shop (I would source a new carb in preference). The wax stats and poppet valves need to be got rid of as a matter of course.

SUs allow a simple needle swap on a 1500 for breathing upgrades (AAT/AAQ), but if you're fitting to a 6 you'll need a rolling road anyway, and they can and will profile the existing needles anyway.

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BrendanD wrote:

Give me Strombergs any day.....

Hear, hear!  Another in favor of Strombergs.  Tastes differ, but from my dealings with them both, I prefer the Strombergs.  Not the least because the fuel bowl is more closely integrated with he carb body, making them less of an articulated beast to deal with.

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