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Replacment Horn Solution


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A while ago someone posted on here that they had replaced their horn completely and they named the kit that they used. I have been searching and I can't find the post. Has anyone got the name of a complete kit so I can replace the whole setup? Also where to get the kit from?

I have repaired it 3 times in 2 years and now I just want to start again with a fresh set up.

Cheers for any help


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cook1e wrote:
I use an air horn set up on mine, much louder and a nicer tone....

Plenty available on ebay or your local motor factors, expect to pay between £10 and £20...


Do these kits have everything I need in them?
Relay? Switch and everything?

How hard are they to fit?

So far I have replaced the pencil, horn push and relay on mine and I was hoping to take the whole lot out and start again.

Any help would be much appreciated as I have the MOT coming up

Many Thanks

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I have air horns on mine as well, much better than the original which was the horn equivalent of a mouse saying "excuse me", where air horns are more like the hulk shouting "get the F**K out of my way!" ;D

they are easy to fit and they normally come with all the bits needed, the existing wiring fits to the relay to act as the switch and the other two go to the live for the air horn and a live from the battery., the other air horn terminal is just the earth so can fit to the compressor mounting point.


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Excellent, thanks for your help, I'll have a look and see what I can find and report back.

As for the last reply, I did consider antlers instead of a horn, but they would be more appropriate on a Stag  ;D

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  • 4 weeks later...

OK, so the horn relay was clicking when I pressed the button. After much messing about it turns out that both horns were broken. I bought a set on EBay, plugged them in and off it went.

Now, there was much messing about because I thought that there was no way that two horns would both go at the same time. However, after fixing it, it occured to me that I had never checked that both worked. It may have been that only one was working all along.

Either way a set from EBay was the solution. A big thanks for everyone's input, I can now make myself heard once again :)

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