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Oil cooler Installs On GT6


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Looking for shots of installed oil coolers.

I can't decide if I should mount on the top part of the frame or drop it down a little lower.

Top blocks the rad, lower semi blocks the cooler.

Leaning towards lower, but would like some feed back.

Tim, you have any shots of your install?



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Post away Steve, I want too see more detailed shots on how the cooler is mounted.

Tim yes, I have a stat.

Got my oil gauge line installed, I may actually move my gauges around, wont be stock, but I find my steering wheel blocks my view of the pressure gauge.


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OK, keeping in mind that we are a desert racing series there's a few things that appear here that are important.  That is a 19 row oil cooler, probably larger than you'll need in more temperate climates.

What's important, NO MATTER WHERE YOU LIVE, is the enclosed ducting to the rad.  I get so freakin sick of hearing whines about how terrible the Triumph cooling system is and then when you start asking...
No, I don't have the shroud,
No, I've never cleaned the leaves out of the grill.
No, my pressure cap is the original
No, I have no idea where my expansion goes...Ad nauseum
Maybe we pay more attention to cooling in the desert than in the real world but these cars don't have to overheat!
Sorry, rant mode off.

That said,  I've spent a lot of hours combatting overheating in my racer and it may be worthwhile to offer up my solution in another thread.

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So far I've been happy with my rad, but we shall see how well it works in solo II.

But very cool (get it cool, hehe I've been up since 5am with only 4 hours of sleep) have useful images.

I will develop my setup, still have to decide on the fan issue.


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I've got a 21 pound cap on the rad versus the original of what? 11 Pounds.  You cannot allow localised boiling in the head because if you get the slightest bit of nucleate boiling all is lost.  You must ensure that all air is exhausted from the system.
But wait, this isn't a water thread is it?

Andre. fit an oil temp gauge to the sump and try to keep it just above boiling point for your altitude.  You'll be fine...Steve

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I had thought about putting one in when I was building the engine, but ran out of funds.

1 issue at a time, I'm thinking a fan will be a must, due to Solo II runs, so you beat around for 2 mins and then wait to go again.

Steve you know if there are any North American sources for Pacet electric fans? 11"?



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Can't run to pictures at present, but my oil radiator is mounted vertically, adjacent to the water radiator. Dead easy to fabricate brackets etc. No shroud on it yet(but there is on the water rad- including rear shroud). Oil cooler rad gets just as full of dead flies as the water rad= so good airflow to/through it.
Neat car Steve. 

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Yeah, I want to replace my fan shortly.

Best time wil be when I'm installing the new igntion system, as I need to fit the timing wheel onto the pulley.

Thanks for the tip, I do "pre-flight" checks when I take the GT6 out. I will add the cooler lines to that check when its in.


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