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Oil Cooler and Pump


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Hi everyone!

Since I have my spitty in Portugal and I intend to use it mostly in the summer to make long journeys on my vacations, I decided to add an oil cooler with the totally new engine cooling system.

However, I have not though about the oil pump when I bought it. I tried to find some info about this issue but I couldn't get anything.

I have a 13 row oil cooler, a very regular one I believe, bought from Rimmer. Will I need to do something with the oil pump, the pressure switch or something else?


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I don't have the thermostat included. My original idea was to simple have some extra cooling for the oil.
Would it be the oil thermostat and temperature gauge for controlling the temperature while making long journeys only? Is it a real must to have?


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Cold oil is not a good lubricant, as much less will reach the bearings.
It should be at about 100C.
A thermostat will short circuit the oil cooler until the oil is hotter than that, speeding engine warm up and reducing wear.

When fitting the thermostat, be very sure that you are connecting the engine and the cooler correctly!  I once got it backwards, which was fine until the engine warmed up, the thermostat 'opened' and in that situation completely blocked the oil pump outflow!   The pressure blew the hoses off and dumped all my oil in the road!


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humm, I see. So, you recommend me to buy a thermostat. I understand it comes already set up and it will be ready for install on my existing system.
Do you have any picture from your system? I want to see if I will need to get some extra hoses or something else to install it.

Thank you.

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My Vitesse has a different oil layout to a Spitfire, so I it won't help tp show you my car.
But see Canley's diagram of the oil cooler - which doesn't include a thermostat!
You need to cut the hoses where they run parallel and insert the thermostat, securing the hoses with Jubilee (screw) clips.

maybe Spitfire owners can show you pics of what they have?

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I have an adaptor plate with built in thermostat and a 13 row on a mk3.
Always had a drop in pressure on LONG autobahn runs (oil too hot?) with cooler never any problems.


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Cutting the hoses will be a bit difficult for me I suppose, since I have the braided hoses. the last option sprtz can be a good option but I need to get a way of connect my hoses there. I guess they don't fit on the oil sandwich plate.

Any ideas? will the braided hoses fit to the parts and thermostat?

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I used these. dead easy.

Just cut the length warm up in boiling water and push on the fittings.

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Be wary using 3,8 - 1/2inch stuff, as the holes in the onions are smaller than the oil feed holes to the pump / filter.
try and make your fittings in 5/8th, so the actusl hole in the fittings is 1/2 inch at best.
far too many have been put on with too small a connector opening.


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