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Oil advice and recommendations here


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I get asked many questions about oil so I thought a thread here for all oil related questions would be a good idea and build into a FAQ or reference point for others.

So, put your oil questions here but please give the following information if you would like a recommendation:

Engine size/type

Any mods

Type of use (road/track)

Additional info (max oil temps, current oil used)

What do you want a recommendation for? Engine, Gearbox etc?

I hope this will help and become a useful thread


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RR - I know your questions were light-hearted but, in case anyone wants to know the answer to the second one ....

The way to get oil stains out of a concrete floor is to sprinkle cement powder on them and leave overnight.  The cement will absorb the oil and can be swept up.  The process sometimes needs repeating.

My own oil-related question is: "Was it really the Brylcreem I used as a teenager that has made me bald?"

Another question: "Do we really want advertising avatars on this forum?"

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Dizzy wrote:
The way to get oil stains out of a concrete floor is to sprinkle cement powder on them and leave overnight.  The cement will absorb the oil and can be swept up.  The process sometimes needs repeating.

I use biological washing powder, the cheapest own brand int he local supermarket, to much the same effect.

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Yes but seriously, I have tried NOS oils seals, new unipart oil seals, all nice snug fit when first fitted, after 2 or 3 days I can guarantee a drip.  I presume if I go to one of the major suppliers now I will end up with Chinese C--p. are there special oil seals used in race prepared cars that are more robust. be nice to know as the gearbox needs to come out some time this year so a chance to cure if not expensive.

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Rust_Restorer wrote:
Yes but seriously, I have tried NOS oils seals, new unipart oil seals, all nice snug fit when first fitted, after 2 or 3 days I can guarantee a drip.  

Is it the quality of the seals, or the surfaces they are sealing against? Is this just on one car?

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Rust_Restorer wrote:

How do you get oil stains out of your concrete garage floor. ;D

You don't ... it's called "Garage floor patina" - the estate agents are starting to cotton on, you'll see it in descriptions of all the finest properties nowadays  :P

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Dizzy wrote:

My own oil-related question is: "Was it really the Brylcreem I used as a teenager that has made me bald?"

No Dizzy, I think I can safely say it wasn't. My Dad used Brylcreem every day of his life and still has a full head of hair at 80 something. I never used the stuff and am severely lacking in hair already  ;)

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My grandfather was a proper slap head for as long as I can remember. A bloke ( follicle technical guru) down the pub told him on the QT that regular head massages with a particular brand of dark beer would bring forth regrowth in the affected area. Grandad duly participated in the experiment each and every day for many months until as promised hair started to reappear in areas that had been open to the elements for 40 plus years. This growth once started was rapid and (as I recall, it was 30 years ago) within a matter of months he had a full head of hair! A couple of months later the old boy pegged it, what were we talking about?  

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gordon_kerr wrote:

No Dizzy, I think I can safely say it wasn't. My Dad used Brylcreem every day of his life and still has a full head of hair at 80 something. I never used the stuff and am severely lacking in hair already  ;)

Ah, but did he have as much hair as this?  That's a lot of Brylcreem!

I'm the one on the right, wearing a suit and tie as I'd just left the office!   :B

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Very good, Peter!   ;D

In fact that's my good friend David Kipling who emigrated to Canada as a technical writing tutor not all that long afterwards and is now about to retire.  We still keep in touch but I don't know what the top of his head is like - and I'm not about to ask him!

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G.in_Belgium wrote:
For the time being I'm trying to find a way of keeping the oil in the car and not on the garage floor... ;D

I thought all Triumph owners had pebble-dashed garage floors anyway :D

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Slimboyfat wrote:
My grandfather was a proper slap head for as long as I can remember. A bloke ( follicle technical guru) down the pub told him on the QT that regular head massages with a particular brand of dark beer would bring forth regrowth in the affected area. Grandad duly participated in the experiment each and every day for many months until as promised hair started to reappear in areas that had been open to the elements for 40 plus years. This growth once started was rapid and (as I recall, it was 30 years ago) within a matter of months he had a full head of hair! A couple of months later the old boy pegged it, what were we talking about?  

Interesting! One of my mates was talking the other day about some other baldness cure that worked for him. I always assumed that these things were just BS like those tooth whitening toothpastes.

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willcolumbine wrote:

Interesting! One of my mates was talking the other day about some other baldness cure that worked for him. I always assumed that these things were just BS like those tooth whitening toothpastes.

The tooth whitening toothpastes aren't BS, they are an abrasive.

That is why they are good for lapping in valves etc.



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heraldcoupe wrote:

Is it the quality of the seals, or the surfaces they are sealing against? Is this just on one car?

Bil, Both cars, both had engine rebuilds and the shaft on which the seals seal where not pitted and worn. I presume it is the quality of the seals, maybe cost cutting leads to a softer compound? the leaks are just enough to be annoying, but not enough to affect oil levels. I have had the gearbox out of one a few times and took the opportunity to change the seals every time, all with same result in a few days.

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Rust_Restorer wrote:
Bil, Both cars, both had engine rebuilds and the shaft on which the seals seal where not pitted and worn. I presume it is the quality of the seals, maybe cost cutting leads to a softer compound?

Given the different seals you've used, I would expect the problems to affect other vehicles - bad seals aren't endemic amongst old cars in general! What is your chosen brand/grade of oil?

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