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Hi All,
I've started a job I've been meaning to do for ages, but it's got a bit more complicated than I'd anticipated.  I've noticed that the copper hose is weeping at the joint with the master cylinder, I'd been putting it off a the flats on the copper threaded bolt (I'm not sure of it's correct name I'm sorry) are looking pretty gnarled.  I bought myself a spanner that looks like a ring spanner but has a gap in it and the bolt slackened off nicely at the master cylinder end.  However the copper bolt at the slave cylinder end will not budge and there's no space to get to it properly anyway.

I'm thinking of taking the slave cylinder off and removing he copper hose off the car and with more space.  Does this sound possible?  If I go down this route im assuming it's transmission tunnel off to get to the bolts on the slave cylinder?

I'd appreciate any thoughts on this one.

Many thanks

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I would replace everything.   That crusty white power,  (cyl inerds flaking away) will have worked it way into the line and the slave.  Most often the power is a result of moisture in the system.   Not that I am for or against but this is one reason some have the cyls re cored with brass and use silcone fluid.

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