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Hi LLoyd

There are already three suppliers out there doing carpet sets - I do not include the brothers in this as I had a set of their estate rear compartment and they were 'orrible!  Also I have not had good experiences of Aldridge with their service with ignored phone calls and e-mails.

Coverdale have been used by a number of people that I know with good reports - and I have a set of their carpets in the Mk1 PI estate and the front of Woody and they are good.
There are also a couple of others listing on ebay (made to order in 2-3 weeks) but I do not know their quality.

I personally would not want to order from Aldridge without seeing their product (is it better than Coverdale) and knowing they were reliable.


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I have recently fitted a set of Aldridge 2000 carpets to a customers car.

We supplied the original set as patterns. For some reason they took it on themselves to add extra piping to areas where there would have orginally been none. Trying to fit it like that would have been difficult, but fortunately there was sufficient carpet (just) in those areas for me to carefully remove it, and fit as original.

Also they made the rear main carpet in three sections despite having the original one piece as a template.

Apart from that the quality of the carpet used far surpassed that of any other repro set I have seen in a 2000/2.5 in years.

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I recently fitted a set of new carpets from Coverdale to my '78 Estate. Not the easy afternoon job it is on the Spitfire!
Overall very impressed with the quality of the carpets from Coverdale - just take your time and work out the best order to fit them (especially in the rear load area) before you commit with the spray adhesive. Very good customer service from Coverdale who will send you lots of samples in varying degrees of quality of the carpet ( i went for the cheapest which are very good)  and different colour combinations. Nicely bound edges where appropriate. They do take 2-3 weeks to arrive but worth the wait. You might find a little cheaper elsewhere but would they be as good?

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hi all and thanks for the replies.

i made the posting as i hadnt heard anything negitive regarding aldridge"s items, hence why i contacted them, but after daves reply, it would seem i was wrong ?

coverdales products, i hadnt heard good reports about, but again, it would seem that was wrong and i did make a prevous posting regarding the ebay sellers, and again, the result was so so.

oh well, never mind   :-/

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I have ordered a set of the 'best' quality carpets from Daventry Carpets who are an ebay shop, these are for my GT6. They are due before mid Jan and will let everyone know what they are like. The chap on the phone was very helpful. They can do big saloon carpets and would be prepared to offer sections as replacements, they cannot guarantee colour match.

I have a set of Coverdale carpets in my Saloon and very good they are, lasted 10+ years so far, little bit of sun bleaching present now.

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As far as the estate is concerned the really big problem is the rear wheel arch which requires a very large shaped section covering the complete inner bowl.  Originally the factory made them as a moulded unit but limitations on the practicalities of re-manufacturing mean that it has to be made in stitched pieces which produces an acceptable result if done properly.

This is what Coverdale do.  I did ask all the suppliers about this a while ago (in the early days of the now defunct Spares Group) but none had the courtesy to reply apart from Coverdale.  

When in an emergency I bought a rear estate set for a show from Rimmers I could not believe that the carpet for the bowl was a flat piece of very stiff carpet with negligible give for moulding over the bowl even if cut into pieces - and they ignored my complaint.  Alan Chatterton managed to re-colour the original sound but faded carpet in his estate but mine was completely US in one of my estates and needed replacement.

If buying a set of carpets for the estate rear load area it is important to consider this point out.  I would be very interested in seeing what Daventry are like though they were one of the people I asked (via ebay) about the wheel arch and had no reply.


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The carpet set for my GT6 has arrived from Danbury Carpets (not Daventry Carpets as I reported in reply 6).

They seem well made and of a good quality. I bought the most expensive set that they make as well as an underlay set and I have high expectations.

The chap I dealt with at Danbury was Terry Murphy, I wonder if that is the same Terry Murphy as 'Triumph Recycler'?

Will report on the 'fit' as soon as I attempt what I always find to be an arduous task!

By the way, anyone have an preferences about the type of adhesive to use?

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Factory would have been a solvent based impact adhesive

still available as evostik Multi purpose   or  similar
the solvent free eveostik   white stuff  sold by many is ive found particularly useless

aerosols of carpet impact adhesive dont have the life in the glue, and when you cant see where youre spraying can make a right un cleanable mess

so I recken stick to the stringy  snotty  old stuff , and old stiff brush to apply, let it set and then
attach, and its there for life.

thixotropic versions  gives some allowable slip and slide which can help when positioning things like wheel arch covers ,


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peterhlewis wrote:
Factory would have been a solvent based impact adhesive

still available as evostik Multi purpose   or  similar
the solvent free eveostik   white stuff  sold by many is ive found particularly useless

aerosols of carpet impact adhesive dont have the life in the glue, and when you cant see where youre spraying can make a right un cleanable mess

so I recken stick to the stringy  snotty  old stuff , and old stiff brush to apply, let it set and then
attach, and its there for life.

thixotropic versions  gives some allowable slip and slide which can help when positioning things like wheel arch covers ,


Thanks Pete, movement is needed to aid final positioning, good advice, ta.

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Trouble is I have inadvertatley bought  the white stuff,  before realising   both the white and the snot are both marked Evostik

Snotty gue is marker 'general purpose'  the white is marked    solvent free

way back we used to spray the solvent based to fix truck headlings , the guys on the cab line were normally as high as kite
Same as the screen wash neat and alcohol fornthe air brakes

they spoilt all the fun with making stuf    friendly    ah !


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